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Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, a song, pour tous

Texte à trous à compléter.

Head Shoulders Knees & Toes


I ……………. it in my head, my shoulders, knees and toes
My bones
Your music ……………… me through the highs and lows
My head, shoulders, knees and toes
My bones
You’re …………………… me from feeling all alone

I’ve been ……………………. to a thousand different stars
To a thousand different arms ’til I ………………… you
I’ve been ……………………. ’bout a thousand different hearts
For a thousand million hours, now I’ve ……………….. you

My nights will never ………… the same, the same again
I’ve got you ……………… through my veins

I …………. it in my head, my shoulders, knees and toes
My bones
Your music ………………….. me through the highs and lows
My head, my shoulders, knees and toes
My bones
You’re …………………… me from feeling all alone, oh-oh-oh

You’re keeping me from feeling all alone
You’re keeping me from feeling all alone

Let me…

Fiche en PDF pour impression: Head shoulders

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TONGUE TWISTERS, entraînement de prononciation

Entraînez-vous à écouter et lire ces petites phrases:

Wise spiders will weave webs wonderfully well.

I wish I were what I was when
I wished I were what I am.

I gratefully gazed at the gracefully grazing gazelles.

If a dog chews shoes, what shoes should he choose to chew.

How many slim slimy snakes would slither silently to the sea if slim slimy snakes could slither silently?

Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We’ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.

I have a sieve full of sifted thistles and a sieve full of unsifted thistles, because I am a thistle sifter.