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Some little jokes with Toto

Hello Danish,
Anthony and I, have maked some jokes with Toto who is famous in France.

Count by singing

Toto’s father says :
« I see, you must to learn your multiplications table for tomorrow. Ok, go I heard you.
_Too easy, says Toto.
_La, la … sings Toto
_What’s ? You makeYou make fun of me or what ? Say the Toto’s father in anger.
_No,no dad. It’s just… I remember the music but I forget the word lyrics. That’s all.

The Toto’s misfortunes

Toto weeps :
« Ouin,ouin I don’t want to return at school.
_Why Toto ? ask his mother.
_Ms Jolibois don’t stop to annoy me. I’m sure that she hates me.
_Don’t worry Toto ! Tomorrow I will go to see your teacher and she will heard me », says the Toto’s mother in anger.
The next day.
« How do you done to take advantage of your work to persecute my son as you do ? say the mother always in anger.
_Sorry ? Say the teacher with surprise. Absolutly not Mrs.
_That’s not what Toto says to me.
_Ok, I see. Toto says me what’s the result of 2 times 3 ? » ask Ms Jolibois.
Toto begins to cry :
« OUIN , you see mum she begins again. »

The mathematics’ stewed apple

« Toto we will go to eat. Oh, you have not finish your home work, says the Toto’ mother.
_Yes , I don’t understand the divisions, answer Toto.
_That’s so complicate ? ask the mother. When I was a kid I loved that. So, imagines you have 6 oranges and you share it in 3 friends you have …, asks the mother.
_I don’t know, at school we always count with apples , says Toto.
_Good. You have 6 apples, you share it in 3 , you will obtain… », asks the mother.
Toto reflect…
« Oh i konw. A stewed apple.

The hell of the magic blackboard

«Hurry up son! We eat in two minutes, says toto’s father.
_I will eat later because i don’t finish my homeworks, answer Toto.
_Wait, i will to help you. Oh mental arithmetic. It’s so easy, exclaims the father.
_Yes when you have my age, maybe. But now it’s very hard, mean
_To begin, imaginew a big black board in your head. Then you write the number and you calculate the operation. It’s easy, no? For example in your homework yo have 3 times 5. You write the operation on your black board.’ »
Toto reflect.
« That’s it. Do you write your calculation? Asks the father. »
Toto becomes all red.
« What’s toto? Ask the father, you did it?
_It’s impossible dad. I don’t find the stick of chalk.

That’s we hope that you have laughed.

Posted in Group 4.