
This blog presents the interdisciplinary project of the 2B class at LP2I (Lycée Pilote Innovant International) in Jaunay Clan (France). The theme is Robotics and students work on this project during Sciences of engineering, English and ICT lessons.

In the first part of this six months’ project students did some research on the history of robots and they learnt how to program a Lego NXT robot.

They recorded some radio shows on our school’s radio.


In the second part, students discovered the use of robots in movies (with two great cinematographic icons) and literature (they worked on a couple of Asimov’s stories). Meanwhile they built and programmed an NXT robot of their choice.


You can find in this blog students’ articles about their achievements.

This interdisciplinary project is a part of the “Industry & Robotics” Comenius project granted by Agence Europe-Education-Formation France. Students have the opportunity to work and to exchange with Comenius project’s partners from Italy, Spain and Malta.

an example of operating robot: