Our radio show

For our radio show, we wrote an emission, we created a picture (500 x 500) and made a generic. We published the emission on the radio’s blog. You will fooud our work bellow.

Our text :

radio show

The link to listen our emission :


” Margaux Malo Titouan and Tya talk about the robots in the education and the robots as toys. Emission made for our MID class ”

Our picture :

Our bibliography and webography

Générics :

Sounds :

Pictures :

Infos :

The wonderful Synth Kit

Hi, do you know Korg ? It’s a society that made synth ! They created the minilogue, one of the first mainstream monophonic synth. They created the volca too ! It was the cheapest real synthesizer with integrated sequencer, so every one can afford a real little synthesizer…


“But I already know kord dude!”

Silence, you’ve clicked, you read.

Today, they’re back with a collaboration with LittleBits to create a new synth ! Named Synth kit. It’s a simple principle, you have 11 different modules to create music, Oscillator, Sequencer, Filter. All of these scraps are divided in little slabs, you can plug it in any order if you want to create your own musical sound (and also, your music instrument). With the keyboard you can play some notes and then, with the sequencer you’ll register a little sequence of notes (yep, the sequencer make sequences, you’re surprised aren’t you?) and the synth speaker will play it.



The Synth kit is sold like a toy for kids. Because it’s simple to use, you just have to plug some stuff, turn 3 buttons and then you can play with the keyboard to create your music. But even if it’s just a toy, you can perform your music and use it profesionally. Advertisement is a good example of what this synth can do, you’ll find it here (go, go listen).

Well, in facts, The synth kit, it’s cool (YAY !) and approved by the editorial board!

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Game report : A math contest

a little glimpse of our game code

A maths contest is an individual game about maths! The goal is to answer Pico’s questions. There are two characters, Pico is presenting and you are the only player of the game.

To begin you need to push the space bar, after you just have to answer Pico’s questions with your numeric keypad

There aren’t a lot of programs in this game, because we wanted to do something really simple
This game is an educative program, its goal is to train pupils to do some counting with specific numbers on a set of time

It was hard to create this game because we had to do something really simple, that pupils could understand.
you can find this game on internet : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/132636399/

a game by Margaux & Tya

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Robots in education

How robots can be used ? That’s a good question, robots can be used in various domains as the industry, medecine, space conquest, music or simply to have fun. A lot of people use robots every day. Personally, I used a robot last weekend, It was a robot which washes the floor. Robots are useful because they can make things which you don’t want to do but if there is a problem it cannot settle it.

Nao, learning robot

Numerous types of robots are being incorporated in education. For example, Nao which is a little robot primarily used to teach English, built in France, and presented for the first time in 2006. About six prototypes of Nao were designed between 2005 and 2007. However, the objective of most researchers in robotics is not for robots to replace teachers but to enhance the added value they can bring as a stimulating and an aid in the classroom.



I think robots are really useful and we will use robots everywhere in the future. We already use them in kitchen, cleaning, … Some robots can help you to choose your meal or your clothes… Maybe IA can overcome human in the future but I don’t think robots can do this because they need instructions, maybe robots can substitute humans and I think it’s a problem. But I think robots are very useful so I like them very much.

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Who are we ?

We are four students of the LP2I : Tya, Margaux, Titouan and Malo. We created a blog for our MID (Module Inter-Disciplinaire) mixing English and engineering science. In this MID we have to do two video games (Kepon Fighter’s and Maths Contest) and a radio show.

Game repport : Kepon FighterZ


Titlle screen

Kepon FighterZ is a multiplayer game in a punk world !The objective is to beat your punk-enemy with your skills. There are two characters, Steeven (the red punk) and Mike (the green punk) and they’re fighting in the street of rockcity.

To use the skills, you need to select your attack and then you need to click on the “OK” input. After this, it’s your enemy turn. If the “OK” input doesn’t appear, reboot the game by clicking on the green flag.When one attacks the opponent lose. The first one to have 0hp loses.

There are a lot of parts to program the game, for example, the start button has 6 parts :
– When it is clicked, it changes skin to the “pushed skin” and it launches the message “Start game” to all programs
– When it receives the message “Start game” (launched by itself),
it disappears.
– When the green flag is pressed, the start input launches the “Reboot” message to all. It makes the game reboot.
– When it receives the “Reboot” message, it hides the life’s bar
– When it receives the message “Kepon is appeared” (launched by the big “KEPON” on the tittle screen, when the word appeared).

There are a lot of mini-programs and it’s only the start button.

It was hard to create this game because we put in it a lot of little and big programs (163 programs in all) so it was complicated to understand everything and it took a lot of time.


Game by Titouan and Malo

Test Lesson 1

En passant

For our new MID (Module Inter Disciplinaire) which is an engeneering science in English, so to begin we’ve got to do a little questionnaire that we named Test lesson 1. The reason why we write this article is to present you our work especially our answers. At the same time you can learn some things.


