Robots in education

How robots can be used ? That’s a good question, robots can be used in various domains as the industry, medecine, space conquest, music or simply to have fun. A lot of people use robots every day. Personally, I used a robot last weekend, It was a robot which washes the floor. Robots are useful because they can make things which you don’t want to do but if there is a problem it cannot settle it.

Nao, learning robot

Numerous types of robots are being incorporated in education. For example, Nao which is a little robot primarily used to teach English, built in France, and presented for the first time in 2006. About six prototypes of Nao were designed between 2005 and 2007. However, the objective of most researchers in robotics is not for robots to replace teachers but to enhance the added value they can bring as a stimulating and an aid in the classroom.



I think robots are really useful and we will use robots everywhere in the future. We already use them in kitchen, cleaning, … Some robots can help you to choose your meal or your clothes… Maybe IA can overcome human in the future but I don’t think robots can do this because they need instructions, maybe robots can substitute humans and I think it’s a problem. But I think robots are very useful so I like them very much.

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