0.2. Intro.(English): Aims of the teaching blog “Aquaculture”

• Introduction (English)

Aims of the experimental teaching blog “Aquaculture1”:

At first, this blog intends to experiment a “blog” production focused on the following topics:

-1° Appraisal of activities in the fields “Aquaculture”, “Fishing”, “Sustainability”, … of the classes Bac Pro “Aquaculture production” (so-called “2nde”, “1ere”, “Term” terms ) of the High School Lycée de la Mer et du Littoral de Bourcefranc, -17 Charente-Maritime, France-, in 2011-12

-2° Presentation of the Comenius project “The Sea” for 2012-2014 to be achieved with these classes (French translation of the project, provisional schedule, presentation European partners, beginning the “production of documents” …),

-3° Activities 2012-13 in the fields “Aquaculture”, “Fishing”, “Sustainability”, … of the classes Bac Pro “Aquaculture production” (so-called “2nde”, “1ere”, “Term” terms ) of the High School Lycée de la Mer et du Littoral de Bourcefranc, -17 Charente-Maritime, France-, in 2012-13

 Tools for better link / communication / for sharing documents between members of the educational community (teachers, students, etc …) of the “Aquaculture” classes section or concerned by the Comenius project “The Sea”

-5° Place where student’s achievements , in these “Aquaculture” terms, (works, powerpoint, blog, …) can be shown,

For instance : see here a “blog” about students traineeship

-5° …

( Bassin of Marennes Oléron: Understanding its territory through professional expertise in Aquaculture, Fisheries, …)


Web sites: 1. Lycée de la Mer & du Littoral : homepage :
