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Eden project

19 février 2017 par santos bastien · Pas de commentaire


Eden Project is in Cornwall.

The building of Eden Project started in 1995.

Eden project opened in 2001, it was built to protect the environnement.

Queen Elisabeth II visited it in 2006.

There are two biomes : rainforest biome and mediteranean biome.

In the rainforest biome there are 1000 varieties of plants.

In the rainforest biome it’s warm (18°C-35°C).



An eco shower is shorter than a luxurious bath.

A red meat diet is worse than a low meat and dairy diet.

An average diet is more respectful than a red meat diet.

A text message is nicer than a letter.

A phone call is worse than an email.

                                                                        Bastien, Guiorgui, Etienne

Catégorie(s) : Anglais