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Eden Project

19 février 2017 par manolo geffre · Pas de commentaire

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Eden Project opened in 2001. It’s in Cornwall. Eden Project protects the environement. Queen Elisabeth visited Eden Project. In Eden Project, there are 2 biomes(Rainforest and Mediteranean). In the Rainforest, there are 1000 varieties of plants. It’s warm; it’s very important; it’s very beautiful, dark and green. In Eden Project, there is a big bee.On the Eden Project’s website, there are pictures to show how to protect the environment.

In Carbon Bargain, there are articles of a nicer method for having a wash: “a quick-eco shower is nicer than a quick bath…” for keeping in touch with friends: “a text message is more respectful than a letter”… a vegetable curry in a restaurant is more respectful than a roast diner in a pub…

Thibault Manolo

Catégorie(s) : Anglais