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4èmes ~ New Year’s resolutions for 2018… What about you …? Will you keep yours ?

8 janvier 2018 par La prof d'anglais · Pas de commentaire

😉 😉 

Have you made your list of good resolutions for 2018 ?

Here are some examples :

1   Losing weight
2   Getting fit – doing more exercise
3   Eating less junk food
4   Saving money
5   Getting more organized
6   Being nicer to my brothers & sisters
7   Reducing sugar and sweets
8   Spending more time with my family
9  Being less grumpy
10   Spending more time with my friends
11   Learning another foreign language
12   Getting some sleep instead of texting all night
13   Going to bed earlier at weekends
14   Getting better marks at school
15   Working instead of playing for hours on my computer
16   Helping others
17   Watching less TV
18   Being more mature
19   Sleeping more
20   Quitting smoking

Attention : si tu commences par “I promise I will…”, tu dois enlever la terminaison -ING sur le premier verbe de la phrase !

 Have a quick look at these articles :

Then, you can read this article, it may help you to make your list of New Year’s Resolutions :

You can also watch these videos about New Years’s Resolutions :




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