Conjugaison, un exercice sur l’Irlande pour s’entrainer

version PDF : CONJUGUEZ les verbes entre parenthèses en réfléchissant bien au temps

CONJUGUEZ les verbes entre parenthèses en réfléchissant bien au temps. Attention il y a des formes passives.

Last month, my newspaper (send) ………………. me to discover Ireland for a month. What an incredible experience!

First, Ireland (be) …………..  divided into two parts: Northern Ireland  with Belfast as capital and the Republic of Ireland whose capital is Dublin. I (visit) ……………………….. both sides. I (start)………………………….. in Belfast where I (spend) ………………………ten days. I (take) …………………….. a taxi to go and see the murals which (represent) ………………………some historical events like Bloody Sunday. Therefore I (see) …………….. a mural which (denounce) ………………….. the killing of thirteen innocent people who (demonstrate) …………………………… peacefully when the British army (shoot) ………………. them dead. There (be) ………….. many different murals all around the city, that (be) ………… very moving.

From Belfast, I (go)…………….. to the Giant’s Causeway which (be) ……….. an amazing rock formation, some scenes of Games of Thrones (shoot) ………………….. there. I also (visit) …………….……. a museum about the Titanic because this sadly famous ship (build) …………………….. there. …


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