Guillotin Mathilde 4°1

In May 2013, I spent a weekend in Noirmoutier.                                                                     First, beforce going to Noirmoutier, we went past the Gois at high tide  when  the road is under water. there was a high tide ad we left, caught seafood but we, the children were fighting and suddenly I fell in the mud with my sister and later we came back home because we were all dirty from head to foot. Then my brother was cycling suddenly he had not seen the bushes so he fell down.                                                                                                      Finally, the next day, I did not like because we picked oysters and I don’t really like that as much as fishing, we caught some mussels, cockles, and clams and I liked it because I like seafood.                                                                                                                                     Then I visited a city l’île d’Aix by bike with my family and we bought ice cream and I loved it.                                                                                                                                     Finally we went back home we were driving on the bridge of Noirmoutier when  suddenly my mother screamed because my father drove near the edge and my mother freaked out because she has vertigo and suddenly the bridge collapsed.