Bontemps Theo

During the summer holidays, I went to the beach . I visited important monuments. I went shopping. We went to Spain because it’s nice. We took the train… We roda a bike. It was a beautiful experience. This was exciting. Me and my parents were scuba-diving. This was paradise. We stayed at the camping.We played cards with my family, my uncle , my grand-parents…

Guionet Enola 4°2

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, , Friday,Saturday and Sunday I went on holidays in La Reunion with my familly.I took the plane.I arrived on Monday during the night.I went to my hotel with myparents and my sister.Next day, it was very hot. I went shopping with my family. In the afternoon I decided to go to the restaurant. I went to my hotel at night. On day 3 , I went to the beach because it was very very hot. On day 5, I visited La Reunion and beaches and on Sunday, I was eating at  the restaurant when suddenly the restaurant closed… I went to my hotel because, It was dark. On Sunday night I came back to France and arrived in the afternoon at my house.

Agathe Charruaud 4°1

On my holidays, I went to the airport to take a plane and I went to Australia, to Sydney, at my grand-parent’s house  with my brothers and my parents for two weeks. First, I went scuba-diving in the ocean and I saw beautiful fish, it was awesome. Then, I played volley-ball with my brothers on the beach. Later, I went to Sydney and I visited important monuments and I bought a lot of souvenirs for my family. Then, I went to the restaurant because I loved to taste traditional food. But it was awful. Finally, I went to the port for a little cruise. Four days later, I went back. It was an amazing and wonderful experience, I loved it.

Claire Talbot 4°1

During the hollidays, in USA, in Hollywood with my family, 10 extraordinary days, i went to Hollywood because my family wanted to go to the USA.
I visited monuments, i saw people, i ate at the fast food with my family, i played games, i walked and it was perfect ! It was a very beautiful experience.

When we were visiting Hollywood, we saw a celebrity, my brother wanted a photo with him, he came closer to the celebrity and he saw him, he was really happy to meet him. The celebrity took pictures with my brother, my brother came to us and he smiled.

Later, we wanted to eat at the restaurant and my mother was really excited because she was hungry but we did not find the restaurant. So we ate at a fast food.

After we went to the hotel and before sleeping, my brother jumped in bed when suddenly he broke his leg because he fell on the floor

Valentin Hery 4°1

On holidays , i relaxed in my house because i was tired , i  swam in the pool and i  visited a museum in Poitiers . I went to the futuroscope with my family and  i celebrated my birthday with my family. I  played football with my friends in Poitiers . I rock climbed with my cousin and my brother . I sang in my bedroom with my friends. I went to the shopping center with my brother and my mother .I walked in Poitiers with my friends because i love walking and i love Poitiers . I went to the football game in Niort

Antoine Sarrazin 4°1

On the holidays I flew to New Zealand with my family for one week-end. First, I left my luggage at the hotel. Later, I was swimming in the ocean suddenly a big wave arrived on me but a surfman arrived and saved me. Once I arrived on the beach, I was going back to the hotel all of sudden an eagle attacked me. I was running to the hotel and suddenly a hunter captured an eagle and saved me again. Then, I went to my bed and I fell asleep. Later during the night, I was playing football with my brother, all of sudden I broke  my knee. My brother called my parents and I went to the hospital. Finally, I came back home, I  spent horrible holidays.

Thiollet Sonia 4°2

I traveled with my family during seven days.I was visiting a city when suddenly I got lost and I was shopping when suddenly the shops closed.Later,I was sleeping when suddenly an alarm rang.Then,I was taking a picture when suddenly a gull attacked me.Later,I went to the beach and I was swimming when suddenly a shark and a jellyfish attacked me.Finally,I was going back home when suddenly my car broked down.I loved my holidays.

Guillotin Mathilde 4°1

In May 2013, I spent a weekend in Noirmoutier.                                                                     First, beforce going to Noirmoutier, we went past the Gois at high tide  when  the road is under water. there was a high tide ad we left, caught seafood but we, the children were fighting and suddenly I fell in the mud with my sister and later we came back home because we were all dirty from head to foot. Then my brother was cycling suddenly he had not seen the bushes so he fell down.                                                                                                      Finally, the next day, I did not like because we picked oysters and I don’t really like that as much as fishing, we caught some mussels, cockles, and clams and I liked it because I like seafood.                                                                                                                                     Then I visited a city l’île d’Aix by bike with my family and we bought ice cream and I loved it.                                                                                                                                     Finally we went back home we were driving on the bridge of Noirmoutier when  suddenly my mother screamed because my father drove near the edge and my mother freaked out because she has vertigo and suddenly the bridge collapsed.

Longeau Alice 4’1

Last month, I was skiing with my family in the mountains, out of the blue two people wounded the snow dogs and went  to the hospital on an helicopter. It was fantastic.                  Last year, I was relaxing under the sun with my family in Corsica. On the first day, I was swimming in the ocean suddenly someone was attacked by a shark. It was beautiful. On day two, I went walking in the city and I went shopping . On the 5th  day , I took the plane and came back to Poitiers.

Ferreira Tatiana 4°2

I went to Portugal for fifteen days in 2014 I visited my family and my friends. I arrived in Portugal, first I visited my family then my friends. One day me and my grand-mother went dancing bacause we wanted to party. We had so much fun. Later… I reled under the sun with my family. Then we went to a party.  My holidays in Portugal were perfect : it was  paradise.