Finet Emma 4eme1

In my holidays, I traveled to the USA, it was very fantastic! It was a school trip with my friends, pupils, my English teacher, my French teacher, my Art teacher and a guide. The trip lasted seven days. Later, we took a plane, a boat and a bus, We went to a big and beautiful hotel. The day after , we visited a city and important monuments. Then,I was swimming in the ocean when suddenly I saw a dolphin, it was very fun but it was not a dolphin, it was a shark, Arrgghh! I freaked out ! Then I did scuba-diving, I went to the shopping center and I rent a jet ski, let’s go! Wahou! It was paradise! I tasted  traditional food.Mmm! It was delicious but we rested at the hotel because it was cloudy, rainy and cold, so I bought souvenirs. Finally, I came back home. I was tired. It was an amazing experience!! This school trip was terrific!

Boussiquault etienne

During my holiday .I was walking in the forest to eat. When suddenly a very big phesant stopped on my head i freaked out and it grabbed my sandwich .I ran after him but he flew away. This walk was fantastic then i visited monuments .Visiting  monuments is more interesting than walking.I spent beautiful holidays

Sasso Jordan 4°2

During the Christmas Holiday, I left with my family to New-York City. We stayed twelve days. We took the plane. When we arrived at the destination, a guide and a translator were waiting for us. They took the hotel ” big mouth “. The next day, we went shopping, when suddenly a thief arrived. The police arrived, took the thief. This experience was horrible as I freaked out. On the sixth day we visited cities and took pictures. My family and me ate at the restaurant ” I wasexcited “. My family went swimming and I read a book. Finally, we came back to France and we spoke English.

Collon Émilien 4°1

Last winter, I went to Martinique in the Carribeans, with my family for ten days. I flew during nine hours. When I arrived at my house I was tired. During my stay, I visited a lot of important monuments and museums. One day, I visited a zoo. In this zoo, there was a lot of animals. There was an elephant, a giraffe, a wolf, an ostrich, a zebra, a rhino and a monkey. I was going in front of the monkeys’ cage when suddenly a monkey escaped from the cage and ran in the zoo. The veterinary and zoo staff were running after it, then everyone shouted and babies were crying. Finally, the veterinary caught the monkey then I bought souvenirs and I left to my house. It was a fun experience.

Victor fradin

During the holidays,I went with Etienne,Abel, Antoine and Yvan on the 31 st of December to sleep,we ate,and saw a duck and cat out.The parents were at friends’ .We played video games and Yvan was relaxing in the sofa .Later,we went to bed.My parents came for me, we did shopping, we had dinner at my uncle’s ,with my grand-parents,me,my parents,two uncles and my aunt.Etienne’s party  was,funny,excellent and awesome.I didn’t like the food from my uncle but I was happy and Idecided to go back to my house.Later,I took my shoes and I went to the city stadium to play football.Finally,we went to my neighbour’s house to eat a cake.

David Yanis 4eme1

I went to the Alps (Haute Savoie).
I stoop up and i went to see out.
Out, i saw snow. Then  i went skiing with my mother and sister.
My father went  shopping with me at the shopping center, then we went back home
We stayed seven days with my family.
This  was extraordinary.

patricia.kiwewesi 4eme2

Last summer I went to a camping in France called La Palmyre.With my mum,dad,brother,my three cousins and my aunty and uncle.Before we leaving we loaded the car with our suitcases and our holiday things.I was really excited to leave and see my family.After two to three hours of driving we arrived at the camping and checked in at the reception and went to our located bunk house.In the afternoon, we met up with my cousins and went to the swimming pool but as we were swimming my brother decided to sink me and my cousin under the water.Later in the week, we went to a theme park thrice as we liked it there.The second week, we were at the camping, we went to the beach and made sandcastles.On one of the evening show, me and my cousin participated in a talent show,she did gymnastics and I sang.Everyone enjoyed our preformances.Then at the end of every evening show we danced and played games.on every single day of the week it was different we always did a different thing so it was never boring.My favourIte day of the two weeks was when we did the talent show because I sang in front of people and they liked it.I had a really fun time at this camping and i hope i can go back next year.

Bevin Océane 4°1

During my holidays , I went to the Corez area with my family and my brother in law at the camping for seven days. We arrived at the camping with my big brother , we went to the pool , the water was very hot. I ate traditional food and i visited caves ( I didn’t like ). On Wednesday I relaxed under the sun with my brother my sister and my brother in law and i bought souvenirs i spoke with my news friends at the camping and i watched TV. On Friday i spoke about my holidays on the social networks .On Satuday my holidays was finished , it was a perfect holidays i said  goodbye to my news friends. But my sister my brother and my brother in law had an accident with two cars and one camping-car. Finally the police and fireman arrived and we went back to Thenezay at my house i found my cats and my friends.

Laine Jeremy 4 1

We went to the Baleares in Spain with my mother and sister on October 17th in 2014 we relaxed on the beach .I swam and relaxed on the beach .I went shopping and walked .I visited the mountains but i was cold .We ate typical food( païla , chips , ketchup … during the night we looked at the stars and at the ocean.I was very hot and I swam, the hotel was very nice

Hugo Prouteau 4éme2

I went to Paris . I took the train . I visited the Louvre museum . I saw the Joconde end she looked at me ! I walked in Paris . I went to Paris for the game week , I visited  the Eiffel tower . I took pictures . I went to the ” Lafayette galeries ” . I did not do shopping . I  visited my family and  we saw my new little cousin . I went home and took the train . I looked pictures and I arrived during the night . The trip was fantastic .