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Exercise of geometry by the group 5

Take a lead pencil and draw the figure described below :
Firstly draw an equilateral triangle ABC, the sides have a length of 10cm. Draw the height of AB, (HC). Then do all the bisectors of the triangle. Draw a circle, which has as center the intersection of the bisectors, called C, with a radius of 2cm. After, draw another circle, C', with C as center and for radius [HC]. C' cut (HC) in N. Now draw a new circle C'' with the same diameter that C. Finally you must erase the bisectors and C'. You have finish. Congratulate.

Question bonus : Now try to find what this figure represent. An indication, we are 37 hours in.

Good luck!=D

Posted in Group5.

Mathe exercise

A mathe exercise:

We are now going to find the starting amount and the final amount.


K = K0 (1 + r)n

r = rate

K0 = starting amount

K = final amount

n = number of periods

Starting amount


Number of periods

Final amount


11 %



5 %


6 %



17,75 %



Posted in Group10.

One more mathe exercise


The picture shows a sketch of escaladers in the underground station in Kyoto.

The escaladers go from A that lies on the track, over D to F, and ends in H which lies in the street level. Some of the measures are already on the picture.

Find the lengths of D to E

Find the angel A and the length of the escalader from A to D

The escalader from F to H is 25 meters long

Find the high differences between tracks and street level (K to H)

Find the length from A to K

Posted in Group10.

Mathematics to the Frenchmen :)

Mathematics  assignment 1:

The informations we know show´s so-called “Serach Volume index,” which is an expression for how many different words there are searching for. In this case the words “Santa Claus.”

We presume there are an exponential connection between y (the value for the maximum “Search Volume index” for “Santa Claus”) and x (the number of years after 2004) and this relation is given by:

Y= 15,47*0,816x

1.) How many searches will there be ón Santa Claus in the year 2020?

2.) How many searches was there on Santa Claus in the year 1990?

3.) Find the half-life (period) T1/2

Posted in Group8.

Group6: Mathematic tasks

Good luck and have fun, remember ‘ing in your english you often forget. When you are doing something, ‘ing should be added to the end of the action, playing rolling flying. 🙂

Posted in Group6.

Math assignment – cool one with the Eiffel tower :)

Math assignment

Height: 300m

Ground length c: 97,5m

  • 1. As indicated on the drawing the shape of the Eiffel tower is almost a triangle. Find the missing angles and sides in the triangle.
  • 2. The google trends figure shows the number of times there has been searched for “santa claus” on google throughout the years. Using exponential regression we find that the formula that expresses the exponential function is y= 15,47*0,816 x
  • a. What is the google trends index number for “santa claus” in 2056?
  • b. In which year is the google trends index number less than 3?
  • c. Find T1/2 – when is the value of the google trends index from year 2004 halved?

Posted in Group1.

Exercice 2, Math

A padlock with code consist of 2 letters (A and B) and two numbers (1 and 2).
How many different codes can open the padlock?

Good luck 😉

Posted in Group6.

Linear function

People in Denmark.


People in thousand















· Make a co-ordinationsystem and describe the connection between the points.

· Decide the equation for the best straight line.

· Find out how many people there will be in Denmark in 2020?

Posted in Group7.

First problem

Hello !

It’s the first mathematical problem, write by Alice and Deborah :

<!– @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } –>

Draw a circle with a diameter [AB] which measures 8 cm. Draw the circle’s tangent going through the point A.

Then draw the triangle BOC. OC=7,3cm and BC=6,1. Draw the line (BC).

D is a point in the tangent and AD=9,52cm. The triangle ADE is rectangle and AE=8,64cm.

Draw (AE) and (DE) which cut (BC) in F and G.

And now, find the [ED]’s length.

Good luck !

Posted in Group3.

First execise of mathematics

A summer night, a boy observe the sky and he see a shooting star. The boy is impress and decide to draw a star with the help of mathematics.
Help the boy to draw his star, for this, you want draw differents affine fonctions (like  f(x)=ax+b) to find the star.
In the first fonction, there are two points : A(-1;2)
In the second, there is a point C(-1;6) and the b=3
In the third, a=2/5 and there is a point D(-5;-3)
In the fourth, there are two points : E(-7;2)
The equation of the last fonction is f(x)=1.

Good luck

Posted in Group8.