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second exercise of mathematics

Imagine : You are japanese during the XVII centuries. You have to pay homage to Gods. For this, you have to recreate this sangaku which is a figure give to Gods.


Posted in Group8.

Math, our greenhouse, group four.


Grandjean and Emilie, (that’s us) lives in a greenhouse 😀 The wooden pole in the middel of greenhouse is rotten, and therefore we need to replace it. How long does it have to be?

Posted in Group4.

Greenhouse assignment 2

Some times the wind can be pretty tough here in Denmark, not very often, but sometimes. Not so long ago all the glass in our greenhouse broke, and we need to replace all of it. How mutch glass do we need? how many sqare meters?

The greenhouse has eigth sides, and are all the same size, in case you can’t see it. Good luck 😉 and sorry for the pictures, I’m not so good at drawing.

Posted in Group4.

Science assignment – with mobile phones thrown out from the Eiffel tower :)

Science assignment


How much potential energy does a mobile phone which weighs 225 g contain, if lain on the top of the Eiffel tower (300 metres)?

Use mass, gravity and height:


Gravity: 9,82 m/s2



How much kinetic energy does a mobile phone contain, if thrown out from the top of the Eiffel tower (300 metres) when it hits the ground?

Posted in Group1.

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is 320 meters high. How long would it take for a man who jump  out from the top to reach the ground.                            
                             Use this formula:                       s = ½∙g∙T2

                                            s=distance      g=9,81           T=time


If you want to fall in 1 minute, how far should you be from the ground?


Is it passable on this planet?

Posted in Group5.

Mathematics to the frenchmen :)

Mathematics  assignment 1:

The informations we know show´s so-called “Serach Volume index,” which is an expression for how many different words there are searching for. In this case the words “Santa Claus.”

We presume there are an exponential connection between y (the value for the maximum “Search Volume index” for “Santa Claus”) and x (the number of years after 2004) and this relation is given by:

Y= 15,47*0,816x

1.) How many searches will there be ón Santa Claus in the year 2020?

2.) How many searches was there on Santa Claus in the year 1990?

3.) Find the half-life (period) T1/2

Good Luck ;p

Posted in Group8.

Math assignment – cool one with the Eiffel tower :)2

Math assignment 






Height: 300m

Ground length c: 97,5m

  • 1. As indicated on the drawing the shape of the Eiffel tower is almost a triangle. Find the missing angles and sides in the triangle.


  • 2. The google trends figure shows the number of times there has been searched for “santa claus” on google throughout the years. Using exponential regression we find that the formula that expresses the exponential function is y= 15,47*0,816 x
  • a. What is the search volume index for “santa claus” in 2056?
  • b. In which year is the  search volume index less than 3?
  • c. Find T1/2 – when is the value of the search volume index from year 2004 halved?

Posted in Uncategorized.

Garden math

Mrs. Hansen wants a garden. She wants her garden to be two triangles with grass and a terrace. The plan looks like this.



Find the rest of the sides and the area of the two triangles

The tiles are 20*20cm

Find out the area of the rectangle

How many tiles will you have to use to fill out the terrace?


Mrs. Hansen also wants a pretty lawn. The lawn is growing exponentially.

Show that there is an exponential connection:


Time/days x 1 2 4 6 8 10
Grass/cm Y 4 5,3 9,6 17,1 30,6 54,76



Find b and a, and write the equations.

Explain what y, b, a and x is.

How long will it take for the grass to be 100 cm?

20 days have passed, how long is the grass now?



Posted in Group2.

Mathematics to the Frenchmen 2 :)


In a triangle ABC are (BC)=2(AB) and (AC)=5/2(AB)

a.) Find cos c

b.) Find the area of the triangle ABC expressed by c

Again good luck 😀

Posted in Group8.

The Louvre Pyramid

The Louvre Pyramid:

The Louvre Pyramid is 20, 6 meters high, and 35 meters on each side.


What is the surface area of all the sides?


What is the volume of the pyramid?


The pyramid is made of 2 cm thick glass, with a density of 2, 46 g/cm3. What is the weight of all the glass?

Posted in Group5.