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Physics assignment

A cigarette lighter in a car, lights a cigar in 5 seconds, it has a power of 300W.

a)      How much energy is used to light a cigar?

The cigarette lighter gets the electricity from the car’s 12 volt battery

b)      How big amount of electric charge runs through the cigarette lighter?

c)       How many electrons is that?

Posted in Group1.

Enigma of the Sphinx

The Sphinx asks a question to the tourists and if they are wrong she eats them :

This question was :

Try to find 1000 just using eights and you can use the addition and the soustraction and it’s all.

Good luck

Good luck

Posted in Group10.

Math excercise nr. 1

Math Assigments for French People



a)      Calculate the area of the Bermuda triangle


 There is a linear link between time and the amount of ships which have sunk into the deep blue sea, of the Bermuda Triangle.


b)      Find the linear link between the years and the ships.










Numbers of sunken ships.













Posted in Group1.


In a cub with earth, there are 17 earthworms, of which 33 % are pregnant. They will have babies every Wednesday, one per pregnant earthworm.

How many earthworms will there be after 7 weeks?


When will there be 999 earthworms?


 3 birds eat 9 earthworms in 10 minutes, 6 hours a day. Will they be done before 6 am Wednesday, if they begin eating at Sunday 6 am?

Posted in Group5.

Problem of mathematics (number 1) :

To go to Danemark, a French college use seven bus that is 2/3 emply. To ear money, teachers decide to stop all the bus at Strasbourg and reduct the number of bus. How many bus do the school need for all the pupils have a sitting place ?

And in this bus, three pupils drink a bottle of water (1 liter). One, alone, drink 1 liter during 1 hour. The second, alone, drink 1 liter during 3 hours. The third, alone, drink 1 liter during 6 hours. How much time do they need to drink together all the bottle ?

Posted in Group4.

Hello Guys

Hello !

We are Anna, Kevin, Agathe and Sybille, we are 4 pupils in class of second and we are happy to can exchange with you, We hope that our english will be understandable =D ! And you ? See you soon !

Posted in Group6.

Exercise of physics for danes


Pierre goes to the moon with his dog. He questions himself about his weight on the moon (on the earth his mass is 80 kg ).

1.Find his weight on the earth.
2.Find his weight on the moon.
3.Find the gravitational attraction of Pierre on the moon.
4.Compare results of questions 2 and 3.

Helps : Use « g » and « G ».

Good Luck !!!!

Posted in Group1.

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Hello (group 2)

Welcome !

We are the second group composed by Kevin Richard, Fabien Servant,

Pierre Ophele, Naël Rochdi and Eva Jonquet.

Good Luck!

Posted in Group2.



My name is Flore, I am in the French group 3 with Alice, Margot, Elodie and Deborah. We will very enjoy to work with you !

Looking forward for your reply…

Posted in Group3.


Hello !!!
We’re students in the LP2I, we’re the 5th group, and we’re very enjoy to work with you. See you soon !

Posted in Group5.