I robot article

The scene takes place in office building, in New-York or an American city in the future. There are two policemen, they are angry. There are speaking about a robot named Sonny. He might have comited Dr Lanning’s crime or he’s guilty of something. Spooner, a detective, thinks Dr Laning taught Sonny human emotions and he became mean. So he killed the doctor. Spooner says robots are not human.



In the scene of interrogation one the one hand we think the robot might not have killed Dr Lanning because the robot says he doesn’t know why the doctor wanted to die. On the other hand we think the robot might have helped the doctor because he says “Did I do something? ” so maybe the robot has killed the doctor because the doctor wanted to  die.



In this scene the author suggests the robot can be a killer, Sonny killded Dr Lanning. We agree this theory because we can lose control of the robot, and it may actions that we do not want for example kill people. As Spooner we think the robot should not be considered as human.


Robots in movies (Star Wars)

In Star Wars the movies of George Lucas there is many different robots because it’s a movie of science fiction, it’s based on the future so George Lucas put robots everywhere for do everything that you can’t imagine. Now I will show you the different robots in star wars and the cyborg

R2-D2 : A resourceful astromech droid, R2-D2 served Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker, he show his brave more than one time and rescue his masters and their friends from many perils. A skilled starship mechanic and fighter pilot’s assistant, he formed an unlikely but enduring friendship with the droid C-3PO


C-3PO : Created with discarded scrap metal and parts by a young Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine, C-3PO was originally made to help Anakin’s mother Shmi with household chores. Threepio would later meet his lifelong droid friend R2-D2 when Anakin befriended Padmé Amidala.


General Grievous : General Grievous is a brilliant military strategistic who can’t be bothered with compassion or mercy. He is a cyborg very strong with different skills of fight like twice light saber


Darth Vader : Once a Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker swore loyalty to Sith Lord Darth Sidious in order to gain the power of the dark side of the Force. Darth Vader was encased in sinister black armor. The man underneath was mortally wounded in a lightsaber duel, and the dark suit includes extensive machinery to keep Vader alive.


In Star Wars there is droid too who are robots but they don’t have an imporant rôle. In the film there is many people who looks like robots like Boba Fett or clone commander cody.

stormtrooper              clone

Today Yiyue and Lucas continue the robot. They finish the legs and they fix the NXT brick on the legs.

Nathan an Mathieu finish the article on I robot and they start the article on Star Wars.


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Robot’s presentation

His name is Ball Shooter. It’s simple to build. It throws little balls with different colours. For this robot, we need a motor, a program and balls. We have chosen this robot because it’s very funny, there are not so many components and it is not so hard to build and program.



Our operating robot:

Antoine, Marine, Natalia and Zhangru



We are four in this group: three french pupils, who calls Antoine, Marine and Natalia, and one Chinese girl. Her name is Zhangru. We are in 2nd B in LP2I (Lycée Pilote Innovant International) in France. We work in Euro-class Science of Engineering/ English about an NXT project, our robot calls Ball Shooter.


Antoine, Marine, Natalia and Zhangru

Today we start to build the robot. We make one leg. Nathan starts the article on I robot.
