The Story of Connor Campbell

The heros : Hollandais Jan de Vries is young merchant who by U.S. A for win lot of money fortune .

Irlandais Connor Campbell is a farmer who fled the Great Potatoe Famine.

 The story happened between 1850 and 1860

 First Name :Campbell



Mother and Father:orphan motherless and fatherless

he was born: January,29,1829

nationality :Irish

Where does he live:killamey


reason for leaving: potatoe famine

Picture of Connor Campbell:

The Irish diaspora consists of Irish emigrants and their descendants in countries such as the the United States. The diaspora, maximally interpreted, contains more than 100 million people, which is more than fifteen times the population of the island of Ireland itself, which had approximately 6.4 million in 2011.

After 1840, emigration had become a massive, and efficiently managed national enterprise. Counting those who went to Britain, between 9 and 10 million Irish people emigrated after 1700. The total flow was more than the population at its historical peak in the 1830s of 8.5 million. From 1830 to 1914, almost 5 million went to the United States alone. In 1890 two of every five Irish-born people were living abroad. By the 21st century, an estimated 80 million people worldwide claim some Irish descent; among them are 50 million Americans who claim “Irish” as their primary ethnicity.


We can see an Old Brewery in Five points in 1846 runt about. It’s a painted with a slight difference of grey .The building is made out of wood. at the five point, there are a lot of Irishmen and they live in community.

15 June 1846 it’s the day when I began to write my adventure

During the 19th century, my life in Ireland was terrible, because the potatoes were struck by a disease called mildiou if I remember correctly…As our general source of food in Ireland where those potatoes, a famine appeared and in only 5years, over 1million people died to this disease and so I’m thinking about leaving for America, where they say everyone is happy and wealthy.

Today we are the 31 of June 1846:

My harvest isn’t good for sale and I think that I can’t continue to survive here .With my money, I will buy a ticket for the boat who will take me to the United States of America because I would like to fulfill my American dream that everybody speaks about.

The 18 August 1846:

Today I took a boat for the fist time in my life, i was very exited!When I saw the ship I was surprised, confused but it was fantastic.I said goodbye to my country.I’m leaving for my Big Adventure!!!I met a young man, whose name is Jan de Vries, he was Dutch and he was 21 years old, he has left to become rich in the U.S.A. He is wealthy, because he sleeps in a cabin but I don’t, i had to sleep on the deck .We have decided to visit each other.

The 24 August 1846:

The trip will soon come to its end and I am happy about it but i am little i have seen a lot of families who haven’t got money for food and I have pity for them.

The 27 August 1846:

The first thing I saw was the big harbor, and i could resent the power of the United States of America. When i arrived, all Irish welcomed me but there were native American who rejected me because I was forced to live with just Irish in a borough called Five Points.

The 15 September 1846:

I have begun to look for a job and i have found a job in a small shop and sometimes people react with racist replies when they see that I’m Irish, we are immigrants and we accept every job.

 The 05 March 1862:

I have met the man I saw on the boat and he suggested me a good job and I have accepted .

The 10 December 1862:

 I now always work with Jan de Vries .His shop has become quite famous today.

 The 15 march 1862 :

Now I am accepted by everyone, at least I hope so.

The 10 June 1862:

Today I have bought a big house in the heart of the city, next to my good friend’s house, Jan de Vries.

the  E n d




the tale of Jan de Vries

Name: Jan de Vries

Nationality: Dutch (the Netherlands)

Reasons for leaving: wants to make fortune in the U.S.A.

Job in Holland: Merchant

birth date: 15 May 1820

death: 29 November 1883

This is the story of a man who believed in the American Dream

Dagboek 7 maart 1840:

I’m thinking about going to the United States of America, I heard from the sailors that there were a lot of opportunities but it’s quite a journey and it’s costly; 300gulden that’s quite a heap of money!

Anyways I’m not sure yet, but you never know…

Dagboek 23 maart 1840:

Great news!! I just came back from Rotterdam, where I made some good profits and I saw that there is a boat in the harbor taking people to New-York for only 200gulden! I was quite surprised when I saw that price! The boat is leaving on the 15th of August.

I am going to make my fortune in New Amsterdam!

Dagboek 1 augustus 1840:

Only 14days left until the big day.

I can’t wait to go although I feel a little homesick and I haven’t even left yet…

I just don’t know if I’m happy about moving or not.

Over the next few days I’m going to visit my family and say goodbye because I’ll probably won’t see them for a long time.

Dagboek 10 augustus 1840:

I have packed all my stuff and I’m leaving my home, my birth place.

The road to Rotterdam is long and it should take my about 4 days by horse.

Dagboek 15 augustus 1840:

I’m now aboard the boat and on my way to the U.S.A.!

My first resentments aren’t that good, it’s very crowded on the boat and we still have to stop to pick up more people in Waterford, hopefully it will get better, although I very much doubt it…

Dagboek 17 augustus 1840:

The hygiene on board is very bad; I heard stories from one of the sailors that once that someone becomes sick everyone is struck by the disease.

I hope that ship will pass us, because I don’t like to think about what would happen with them.

Dagboek 18 augustus 1840:

In about 30minutes we should be in Waterford, the last stop before New-York.

We just stopped and we should still be stuck here until this evening.

We have left now once again, earlier today I’ve met this young Irish man who has left his country because of a famine until now I had only heard about it but when you actually see for real what is happening It makes you feel… little… guilty…

He was a really nice guy and I hope he will have a better life in New-York, as all of us I guess.

Dagboek 27 augustus 1840:

Finally! We arrived! I was stunned by the view of hundreds, thousands, ten-thousands of houses.

I had been to many cities but this was just unbelievable.

Hundreds of people if not thousands were running across the streets.

At first I couldn’t believe that this was true even though it didn’t look like my dreams it was still very impressive!

I’ve lend a small house on the east side of New York near the harbors. And my first shipping’s of toys should be here tomorrow so I can open my shop.

Dagboek 28 augustus 1840:

I’ve been so busy today that I barely have the time to write this.

I had some problems with the delivery because of all the new builds and so there are almost no maps showing the current state of New York.

But the shipment of toys arrived anyway and it’s all stocked away in the warehouse behind the shop.

Dagboek 29 augustus 1840:

Today was the big opening of my shop!

Not a lot of people showed up but I guess it’s normal, I mean I don’t think I would visit the opening of a shop owned by someone who has only arrived 2 days ago…

Anyway I thank all those who did come and hopefully more people will come tomorrow.

Dagboek 1 september 1840:

A new month and new opportunities!

I hope that this month will make my winnings rise.

From my experience until now, I find it quite hard to integrate the society of New York.

People seem to live in boroughs, separated by skin colors or languages.

Dagboek 17 januari 1841:

It has now been over four and a half months since I arrived in the city of the American Dream.

My little shop has become quite famous and me and some investors have had an idea to construct a new shop selling toys because I think that will be the way to go.

Dagboek 05 maart 1862:

Today I have officially opened my new store on the fifth avenue!

I share the company with a German, whose name is Frederick Schwarz, and we called the shop FAO Schwarz.

I’m feeling really good about this new investment and if it works out I should be set for the rest of my life.

As I don’t have the time anymore to keep my other shop, I made my Irish friend which I met on the boat, the managing director of the shop.

I made my American Dream come true, the toy store became a success and I could say that I lived happily ever after.

            The emigration flow to the U.S.A. during the 19th century
            by Dutchmen :
            – several 10 thousands of Dutch people emigrated.
            – most of them from regions like : Overijssel, Zeeland
            and Gelderland.
            – popular reasons for leaving:
              – bad economic situation; bad harvests multiple times in a row
              – religion; a lot of members of the reformed Church left because
              the government made their livres harder because of their religion

made by S.L. and S.L.

Julia Garcia’s trip

Historical context

In 1962, it’s the cold war between the USA and URSS. Missiles are installed in the island and the USA are afraid about this. The situation is really tense.

Fidel Castro is in the power and he delivers an authoritarian political, it’s a dictature. In order to flee this politic, between 1959 and 1961, 135 000 migrants leave Cuba to Miami. From 1962, migration flows stay around 15 000 a year.

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This picture is a photo black and white of Time Square in the 1960’s. In the background, we can see buildings where there are signboards for brands like Coca-Cola, Castro… but also, on the right, for a film called Rosemary’s baby which the lead actress is Mia Farrow. On the right, there is a street where we can perceive many persons. In the middle, we can see a crossroad with cars, bus, a van of Coca-Cola… In the foreground, persons who can be of Hispanic origins are walking from the left side to the right side.



Julia Garcia’s trip


My name is Julia Garcia. I am 10 years old. I live in Havana, the capital of Cuba, with my parents Javier and Claudia, my little brother Juan Paolo, my elder brother Alfredo and my litlle sister Maria. In our country, the political situation is not very good. Castro has the power since 3 years and he is a dictator, we don’t have freedom.
Friday, 15th June of 1962, I packed up my things because Dad said that we had to leave Cuba for the USA, because of our politic situation. Mum said that we only need to take necessary items. I felt horrified at the thought of leaving my country, my house with all the memories and my friends. Juan Paolo cried because we couldn’t take the cat with us. At night, Dad woke us up because we had to leave without being seen. I remember that Dad bore my little brother Juan Paolo in his arms while Mum was giving a cuddle to Maria.
We walked to the coast, and we took an inflatable boat. There was also a young couple called Carla and Alejandro. They told us that they wanted to get married in New York. They were very kind.
I was so afraid about the trip because the waves rocked the boat and I didn’t feel so well. It was terrible. I thought about death, and I was worried about my family. We supportive to eachother, trying to be couragous and brave, and we believed that one day, we would arrive in New York. Mum and Dad told us about the life in New York, and how better it would be. They talked about the culture, the history too. Alejandro tried to make me smile with jokes, but I was not in a mood to smile. During two days, we were cold, we didn’t know if we would arrive in the USA. Mum gave us the meal, a piece of bread and sausages. At last, we perceived the Florida coast so we began to feel excited.

After some long hours, we finally arrived in Miami. It was  the sunday, 17th of June at 5 pm. I put my foot for the first time in the USA, I put my foot in my new life. We waited for the train to New York. Immediatly, dad went to the customs post to declare our presence on the territory. He explained that we were political refugees so the customs gave him an authorization. Then, we arrived at the train station in 17 O’clock in Manhattan. A new country, a new city, a new start. I’ve never seen so many people like this. Dad bore Juan Paolo in his arms and told us to stay together and to be carefull. In front of us, stood up many buildings. I felt lost. I didn’t have any benchmark.
It was so strange, so big! I didn’t understand their language, no word looked like spanish language. It was so annoying! I couldn’t find my way, and I was confused. I heard spanish spoken, foreigners in the same situation than us. Some of them cried, other laughed. It was overcrowded, there were many kinds of people like black people, white people… People from all over the world. I had never seen that, so much difference, so much people. More and more, I saw the attractive part of the city, and I felt lost, those new roads, new buildings, new shops, all was new. But we had to find a place to stay for the night, so we began to search. But the price was high, we didn’t have too much money. At the end of the day, we found a crappy room to sleep in security. I woke up in the afternoon, a sunshine blinded my eyes.
But we had to find a school, a place to live, a job for my father as quick as possible. We had to be used to New York quickly. We decided to eat in a canteen because it was not too expensive. There were a lot of poor people. Dad spoke with the manager of the restaurant, who was Cuban too. He gave us an address in the New Jersey for cheap accodomation. He explained us that there were a lot of people and that we had to live altogether in a little room. So, we went to that appartement and we signed the papers to live in. It was gloomy, unsanitary, it looked like a horror place. From this moment, our new life began. Dad found a work in an industrial factory, he won’t get too much money but we managed to live. Mum took care of us, and stayed at home when we were at school. My integration in my new school was not easy, but I met friends. They talked about New Jersey, how they live there…  And there was New York, that we could see in the distance. I dreamt to live in this city, it would be exciting and wonderful.

This is my story. Today, I am proud of myself. I am used to New York now, and I have bought a appartment in Manhattan. I have graduated from the university, my life has just started.


History of the immigration of Francesca and Giovanni



This takes place at the beginning of the 20th.. On this picture we can see a street of Little Italy. There is a market and the street is overcrowded by people. There are not many cars and carts. This district looks full of life but the clothes of people lead to think that the peolple are not very rich. This market is between big buildings and there is no house. The street is messy and clothes are on balconys like in Italy. On the background, we can see that the street is very long. Behind merchants who are in the street there are shops like a shoe repairing or another. As a conclusion,we can see that Italians live like they used to live when they were in Italia.



Historical and politic context of italian immigration

From the early 1860s Italia is united but it goes through an economic crisis and for the majority of population who are peasants it become not possible to have food and eat correctly. So the italian immigration became from be seasonnal to be a definitive and from 1880s to 1914 approximately 6 millions italian immigrants took boat to Uruguay, Brazil and from 1895 to the U.S.A. They leave mainly North and South of Italia (Veneto, Piedmont, Lombardy and Campania). From 1880 to 1905 the immigration was not very great but after there were more than 50 000 immigrants who left Italia every year and for 4 600 000 of them the destination is the U.S.A.

Identity :


Name and first name : Di Staggione Francesca

Name of father : Di Staggione Antonio

Name of mother : Di Staggione Claudia

Date and place of birth : The 16, May in 1883 in Napoli

Religion : Catholic

Job : Nurse

Illiterate or not : Not illiterate

Single or not : Single

Place of living : Napoli

Physical description :

How tall : 1,65m

Colour of eyes : green

Colour of hair : Brown

Eyebrows : thick and black

Nose : Small and pointed

Caracteristic of face : Her teeth are appart

Particular characters :



Identity :

Name and first name : Di Staggione Giovanni

Name of father : Di Staggione Antonio

Name of mother : Di Staggione Claudia

Date and place of birth : The 15, June in 1886 in Napoli

Religion : Catholic

Job : Student

Illiterate or not : Not illiterate

Single or not : Single

Place of living : Napoli

Physical description :

How tall : 1,73 m

Colour of eyes : green

Colour of hair : dark hair

Eyebrows : thick and dark

Nose : Big

Caracteristic of face : There is a scar on his forehead

Particular characters : His right eye can’t be open.


17th, november 1899.

Today, my father died, he got ill 2 years ago. My mother and I have decided to leave Italy to go to the U.S.A. We have enough money but we can’t stay here because my father had to give money back to his Godfather and because he has died, they will come here to take the house and everything we have. We must leave Italy quickly, tomorrow the boat from Naples to New-York leaves at 6:25 am. I am afraid! What will we do if anything happens.

18th, november 1899.

Today, we are on the boat. We were accepted against a big part of our money. Fortunately, we have enough food and my brother feels good. We are disappointed to leave our country, it’s our former life that we leave today.

My mother prays God all the time to have a good trip. She is so worried we don’t have enough food or enough money to finish the trip and be accepted in the U.S.A. People that I know were dismissed because they were too poor or a little ill. They said it’s very difficult to enter in the U.S.A. Some people stay in Ellis Island for a couple of months and have to go back to there homeland.

25th, november 1899.

Today, when I woke up I was told that my brother was sick and the cook said : «Your brother must not infect another passengers, if tomorrow he is still sick… » This man scared me, I am scared that he is a man who works for my dad’s Godfather. The trip is too long for us, and mum is very weakened. I hope that we will soon get there.

3rd, december 1899.

Today, we have arrived in the U.S.A. I have immediatly seen the Statue of Liberty, she’s very tall. We went to Ellis Island and we had a lot of tests to know if we could get in New-York. The first was the 6 seconds test. When we arrived in the hall of Ellis Island we have to climb stairs for 6 seconds. At the top of stairs, doctors saw if we have any problem and if they find any problem they write a mark to know if we have a problem. The second was an english test.

5th, december 1899.

Today, I’m very tired. We haven’t slept well, because we were overcrowded. Mum is very sick, and I’m afraid. She can’t do the tests. The american’s ask me to know if I speak english, and we don’t have problem for this with Giovanni, because we had a private teacher at home to learn english. The last test will be a medical exam. I’m very scared if my mother or us isn’t accepted to get in the U.S.A.

8th, december 1899.

Today, it’s my first day in New-York ! I’m with Giovanni, and we have visited the city, it’s very impressive. I’m glad, we met Anita, an old women who lives in little italy and she promiss me to take care of us until my mother is allowed to come here. I hope that my mother can come here very quickly. I’m afraid without her. She said to me that she can find a good job for me in a textil industry. I think I’am very lucky to find a job quickly because it’s very difficult today.

I am very bewildered in this big city, I am homesick, I miss my father and Napoli too…

15th, december 1899.

Today, I receive a letter that my mother has sent me. She said that she can’t come in the U.S.A because she is very sick she has the smallpox and it is very contagious. In the factory where I work I have to sew many things.

16th, january 1900.

Today, I have had my first pay ! It’s not too much but it’s good. But Giovanni has spoken with an other Godfather and I said to him that it’s very dangerous and it’s because the italian’s godfather that we had to leave Napoli. He answered me it’s not too much he just went to get the money back for his boss.

19th , january 1900

Today, I have received a letter whose sent by my mother. She said that she’s not allowed to come in the U.S.A. I feel miserable. Luckily the woman who has promiss me to will take care for us. I don’t know how to declare this new to Giovanni, I couldn’t take care for him before I am afraid that he began to really work for the Godfather… After it will be too late.

28th ,october 1900

The integration is very difficult. The Irish population don’t like us and my brother think that he is more in security with the mafia and he works everyday for our Godfather. I am very worried to him.

The trip of Julia Garcia

  •  Julia Garcia
  • 10 years old  22/12/1952
  • Cuban
  • Havana
  • Immigrated in New York City, USA because of the politic situation, the dictature in Cuba.
  • With her brothers and sister and her parents: Maria (8years old), Juan Pualo (5years old), Alfredo (15 years old), Javier (the father, 36 years old) and Claudia (the mother, 35 years old).


German emigrant’s diary

November 23th 1872 :

November, Berlin in Germany.

The weather was cold, snow was falling on the houses. Trees were frozen, like people in the streets with their long scarves and coats. I was dreaming next to my window, looking at the children in the street playing with snow, they were so innocent, they didn’t know anything about life, and about what the word life really meant. I wish I could go back to childhood sometimes.

I closed the curtains, then sat down on my bed, a letter next to me. It was a letter from my brother, Hendrick.

Dear Günter,

Life is wonderful ! My tailor shop is going very well, here in New York everything is possible not like in Germany. The political society is way better; our president is a respectful man compared to Guillaume the First, we have more rights and we can enjoy our freedom.

One year ago, I would never have thought that I could be so happy, well in my life : I am rich, influent, I have a beautiful house in Manhattan and a wonderful wife.

What about you ? I hope life is treating you well. If that’s not the case, hold on, and never give up.

I am sorry I have to go right now, Günter.

Your dearest brother,

Hendrick Van Straussen.

My brother went to New York almost one year ago to escape Berlin; he said life would be better and actually he was right. I don’t know why I stayed, pehaps I was afraid ? Perhaps I dreamt, in the bottom of my heart, that the situation would change ? I regret this decision everytime I read one of Hendrick’s letter.

I closed my diary, then threw it on my bed. A million of questions were running inside my head. What should I do ? Wait here, in this miserable city ? Or change my life right now by joining him ? It took me several minutes to make it clear, but I decided to leave Berlin. I was alone, the situation in Germany was apocalyptic; I had nothing to lose after all.

So, I opened my wardrobe, took my suitcase and put some clothes and I left it next to my bed.

That night, I didn’t sleep, the light was on, my eyes were on the suitcase, and I was imagining how good life was going to be, because my life was going to change forever.

November 24th 1872 :

Today, it’s the day. It’s my day. I could’nt sleep at all, I was terribly tired, but that flame inside of me was keeping me awake. It was the first time that I was leaving this way, I was nervous. I didn’t tell my brother I was coming in New York, he would have told me to stay, too much caring.

The sun was coming up, I was walking on a very calm street which was leading to the port. I couldn’t believe it was the last time I would walk over there; every step I was making was leading me to freedom.

The more I was approaching to the port, the more noises there were; like voices of men, women and children. Then I saw the crowd, they were maybe a hundred of them! I lifted my head, then I understood why they were there : a huge ship was waiting for them. I had never seen something like this, my eyes were wide open, I was impressed.

That’s when I heard a voice saying that we were going to leave soon, so I made my way through the crowd, I got on a boat and after a few minutes of agitation, I finally found a place where I could sit. Unfortunately, I had just a couple of coins so I couldn’t go inside the boat; I had to stay on the deck.

The ship began to move, it was too late to go back.

I hope it isn’t my first and last trip.

December 10th 1872 :

I’ve spent almost two weeks on the deck, it was colder than ever; I couldn’t feel my body, I was totally frozen. Some people didn’t survive during the trip, and their bodies are still there in the middle of the survivors.

They said we’ll be in New York very soon. I was tired of sitting, so I walked until the edge of the ship and then I saw this huge thing : a shadow envelopped in a heavy fog. At first, I could’nt what it was clearly; but more the fog was disappearing, more I could see it with precision : it was the Statue of Liberty. My brother told me a lot of times about it in his letters, but I couldn’t imagine it by reading it on paper.

I felt optimistic about the future, I wasn’t scared but confident because I knew that freedom was there, and I was going to reach it.

When the ship stopped, we told us to come in Ellis Island, in a sort of place to check if we had any health problems. I went very confident; I was a strong man and I was rarely ill. There was no way that I would stay here.

A nurse came and examined me. Apparently nothing was wrong, so I was going to leave when she told me :

  • Remain seated. The doctor is going to come.

  • But I feel perfectly well. Why should I stay ?

  • Just wait here, please.

I waited, it took ages, and finally after thirty minutes, the doctor came and announced me :

  • Mister, we detected something wrong with your right eye. You’ll have to stay here until we are sure there’s no danger for you.

  • No, it’s impossible ! How long will it takes ?

  • Almost two weeks.

I was under shock. I didn’t realized what was happening, I felt angry against the whole world, it was unfair. I thought everybody was against me, I felt like the top of the world fell on me; I said to myself that there was no justice in this world.

I was tired, I couldn’t stand this situation anymore.

December 22th 1872 :

They finally accepted to let me go, so I walked until Manhattan’s streets; it took me a while and a lot of energy but I came to Manhattan just before the sun went down as I had planed.

I was searching for someone who could help me to find my brother’s house. After a few minutes, I found a bar to stop by. It was a little gloomy, but it seemed quite correct. I asked the barmaid about my brother, he didn’t know anything about him.

I was going to leave this place when two men started to fight; they were totally drunk. I tried to stop them, one of two men returned to punch me, my heart stop beating. It was my brother.

  • Hendrick ?

  • What ? Günter ! Why did you come here ?

  • I wanted to join you, I was missing my life in Berlin, so I thought …

  • What were you thinking ? You did a huge mistake !

I’ve never seen my brother like this, I’ve never seen him drunk or agressive, something was wrong and he didn’t tell me everything. He was clearly poor and depressed.

  • What happened ?

  • I lost everything Günter. Actually, I lied to you. My tailor shop became a disaster, I wasn’t making money I had to quit. So I lost my job, I lost my home, I lost my dignity … I have nothing to do anymore, nothing to count on, I wasn’t very important now I am nothing. Look at me, I am a mess, my life is a mess.

  • I can’t believe you lied to me during one year …

  • I knew you would say this sentence.

  • But I forgive you brother. And you know why ? I have a good feeling. What about, you and me, trying again ?

  • What do you mean Günter ?

  • Look, let’s open a tailor shop together ! I don’t know why but I am quite sure it’s going to work this time.

  • I don’t know …

  • Do you trust me ?

  • Of course I do !

  • Then, get up Hendrick. And, as you said in your last letter : « Never give up ».

And he smiled, it was a hopeful smile, sincere and relieved. I’ve finally found the Hendrick I used to know, someone optimistic and joyful.

We spent the night talking about this and that, we caught up with the lost time, we laughed, like brothers.

After that night, I was more confident than ever. I was sure that luck was on our side, and that all our efforts would pay. One day or another.

January 3rd 1873 :

Hendrick and I just open our tailor shop last week, it was pretty calm but we had the hope it would get better in the coming months. We were working on the decoration of the shop, when a man with a black hat came in :

  • Good evening sirs, I am in a hurry and I absolutely need a coat for a very important meeting tomorrow. May you do this quickly, please ?

  • Of course sir ! Tell me your size.

It was our lucky day ! This man was a wealthy buisnessman, very influent in New York and all around the world.

So, we spent all the night making the most beautiful coat for him. The following day, he came to the shop, and his face glittered when he saw it.

  • I’ll never have the words to say how grateful I am ! You did a wonderful work. And, don’t worry about your shop, I will personnaly recommend it.

And he left, the way he came. How can a person change other people’s lives ? It seemed, at first, like a dream but it was way more than that : it was reality.

April 14th 1875 :

It’s been now two years since that mysterious man came by our shop. Since those two years we have become more and more famous everyday. We were on the top of New York City; all the beautiful people from New York and also from the whole world came to admire our creations. Who should we thank ? Well, we should thank destiny.

The end.

By Lorène & Victor

German emigrant’s diary

German emigrant

Name : Van Straussen

First name : Günter

Birth : June, 8th 1840

Death : February 17th 1895

Place of birth : Berlin, Germany

Place of death : Manhattan, New-York City, USA

Emigration date : 1872

Historical and geographical context :

Our story takes place in Germany in 1872. At this time, Germany used to be an empire and the USA was already a republic. In the 1870’s 200 000 German emigrants travelled over the Atlantic for a better life. The German neighborhood in New York City was Kleindeutschland, which lay on the East River

Kleindeuchland in 1870

On this picture we can see Kleindeutschland (the german neighborhood in the 1870’s), now this place is called Lower East Side. It was also called « little Germany » by its habitants. On the right we can observe a green area and on the left the pavement, some houses and shops. When you see this picture for the first time you can’t imagine that this place is now the New York we know. But for the time it was very modern : you’ve got the tramway and even the electricity. Compared to the others neighborhoods, it was very clean : streets were large and calm. It looks like the european’s streets, which is very important because when the emigrants came to New York they felt like it was home.

MID New-York : Mexican immigration


Name : Antonio Marquez

Date of birth : 15/12/1990

Place of birth : Monclova

Situation : Pick up cotton in a plantation

Date of the travel : 08/06/2010

Road : He Started from Monclova behind he past the rio grande in Piedras Negras. He hitch hike in Texas, in Florida and he finished his trip in New-York.

Arrival: He arrived 4 months after having left his country. He lived in the Bronx, in a ghetto where there had other mexicans. He was alone and his apartment is very dirty and unhealthy. He couldn’t paid his housing rental so he searched a job and found them. The job was cleaned the kitchen of a restaurant. But he won not a lot of money so he intregate a mexican gang who dealt drugs, dealt arms and did prostitution. He became a leader in his gang and he killed lot of people, he was guilty.

This history take place in 2010 in Monclova in Mexico with a mexican’s immigrant.

My name is Antonio Marquez and I’m 20 years old. My city is a poor city, in the north of Mexico called Monclova. In Monclova I picked up cotton in a plantation, it was very difficult and I didnt earn a lot of money so I lived in a shanty town, it was very awful and exhausting too. So I started to think to go away from Monclova. The month after, I took food, water and a bag with my clothes and my life was gathered in it. I started my trip very early in the morning, when I past the Rio Grande in Piedras Negras, I was both very excited about the idea of going outside of my country but I was also very nervous because there were lot of cops. I was a bit surprised because a friend had told me that there were no check points at the border in the Rio Grande. So I crossed over the river very fast and when I was on the other side, a guard spotted me. So I ran very very fast because all the guards had their dogs also but it was very difficult and I was frightened. But despite everything I succeeded in and the road to go to New-York was open. The week after I crossed the Texas and the Florida, but walking is very tiring so I hitch hiked to go in New-York and 2 weeks after I had arrived in New-York in the borough of the Bronx in University Heights because it’s a very cheap district . So I live in this borough in a ghetto with others mexicans in the district of Norwood. This district is very gloomy because every day there are a lot of crimes and lots of drug trafficking and arms. So to get out of this hell I looked for a job but because I was Mexican, I had a work very exhausting. This work consisted of clean the kitchen of a luxury restaurant. I have worked in this restaurant for 3 months because my boss said to me I wasn’t a good worker so I was fired and I have needed money for pay my rent.Despite my self I had to integrate a mexican gang. Right, this gang dealt drugs, arms and did prostitution so it was a very dangerous gang but I wasn’t scared. In my first day in the « Burrito » the name of this gang I was hazed by the members of the gang. The day after I went with 3 other members of the gang dealt drugs with cubans but it was a trap because a member of my gang was a traitor so I killed him. But I graded in my gang to became two year after the leader of the « Burrito ». I have killed lot of people, lot of criminals but also lot of innocents. I bought a big house in Staten Island with a tennis ground, a golf ground, I was very rich but confused. Also the cops searched me , I was a criminal ! When I was a kid I dreamed about New-York, Times Squares, Broadway, the harlem globe trotters. I thought all in New-York was beautiful, funny,wonderful but it’s not the truth. New-York is both a city of dreams and of nightmares.