Julia Garcia’s trip

Historical context

In 1962, it’s the cold war between the USA and URSS. Missiles are installed in the island and the USA are afraid about this. The situation is really tense.

Fidel Castro is in the power and he delivers an authoritarian political, it’s a dictature. In order to flee this politic, between 1959 and 1961, 135 000 migrants leave Cuba to Miami. From 1962, migration flows stay around 15 000 a year.

Image description



This picture is a photo black and white of Time Square in the 1960’s. In the background, we can see buildings where there are signboards for brands like Coca-Cola, Castro… but also, on the right, for a film called Rosemary’s baby which the lead actress is Mia Farrow. On the right, there is a street where we can perceive many persons. In the middle, we can see a crossroad with cars, bus, a van of Coca-Cola… In the foreground, persons who can be of Hispanic origins are walking from the left side to the right side.