The Story of Connor Campbell

The heros : Hollandais Jan de Vries is young merchant who by U.S. A for win lot of money fortune .

Irlandais Connor Campbell is a farmer who fled the Great Potatoe Famine.

 The story happened between 1850 and 1860

 First Name :Campbell



Mother and Father:orphan motherless and fatherless

he was born: January,29,1829

nationality :Irish

Where does he live:killamey


reason for leaving: potatoe famine

Picture of Connor Campbell:

The Irish diaspora consists of Irish emigrants and their descendants in countries such as the the United States. The diaspora, maximally interpreted, contains more than 100 million people, which is more than fifteen times the population of the island of Ireland itself, which had approximately 6.4 million in 2011.

After 1840, emigration had become a massive, and efficiently managed national enterprise. Counting those who went to Britain, between 9 and 10 million Irish people emigrated after 1700. The total flow was more than the population at its historical peak in the 1830s of 8.5 million. From 1830 to 1914, almost 5 million went to the United States alone. In 1890 two of every five Irish-born people were living abroad. By the 21st century, an estimated 80 million people worldwide claim some Irish descent; among them are 50 million Americans who claim “Irish” as their primary ethnicity.


We can see an Old Brewery in Five points in 1846 runt about. It’s a painted with a slight difference of grey .The building is made out of wood. at the five point, there are a lot of Irishmen and they live in community.

15 June 1846 it’s the day when I began to write my adventure

During the 19th century, my life in Ireland was terrible, because the potatoes were struck by a disease called mildiou if I remember correctly…As our general source of food in Ireland where those potatoes, a famine appeared and in only 5years, over 1million people died to this disease and so I’m thinking about leaving for America, where they say everyone is happy and wealthy.

Today we are the 31 of June 1846:

My harvest isn’t good for sale and I think that I can’t continue to survive here .With my money, I will buy a ticket for the boat who will take me to the United States of America because I would like to fulfill my American dream that everybody speaks about.

The 18 August 1846:

Today I took a boat for the fist time in my life, i was very exited!When I saw the ship I was surprised, confused but it was fantastic.I said goodbye to my country.I’m leaving for my Big Adventure!!!I met a young man, whose name is Jan de Vries, he was Dutch and he was 21 years old, he has left to become rich in the U.S.A. He is wealthy, because he sleeps in a cabin but I don’t, i had to sleep on the deck .We have decided to visit each other.

The 24 August 1846:

The trip will soon come to its end and I am happy about it but i am little i have seen a lot of families who haven’t got money for food and I have pity for them.

The 27 August 1846:

The first thing I saw was the big harbor, and i could resent the power of the United States of America. When i arrived, all Irish welcomed me but there were native American who rejected me because I was forced to live with just Irish in a borough called Five Points.

The 15 September 1846:

I have begun to look for a job and i have found a job in a small shop and sometimes people react with racist replies when they see that I’m Irish, we are immigrants and we accept every job.

 The 05 March 1862:

I have met the man I saw on the boat and he suggested me a good job and I have accepted .

The 10 December 1862:

 I now always work with Jan de Vries .His shop has become quite famous today.

 The 15 march 1862 :

Now I am accepted by everyone, at least I hope so.

The 10 June 1862:

Today I have bought a big house in the heart of the city, next to my good friend’s house, Jan de Vries.

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