Julia Garcia’s trip

Historical context

In 1962, it’s the cold war between the USA and URSS. Missiles are installed in the island and the USA are afraid about this. The situation is really tense.

Fidel Castro is in the power and he delivers an authoritarian political, it’s a dictature. In order to flee this politic, between 1959 and 1961, 135 000 migrants leave Cuba to Miami. From 1962, migration flows stay around 15 000 a year.

Image description



This picture is a photo black and white of Time Square in the 1960’s. In the background, we can see buildings where there are signboards for brands like Coca-Cola, Castro… but also, on the right, for a film called Rosemary’s baby which the lead actress is Mia Farrow. On the right, there is a street where we can perceive many persons. In the middle, we can see a crossroad with cars, bus, a van of Coca-Cola… In the foreground, persons who can be of Hispanic origins are walking from the left side to the right side.



Julia Garcia’s trip


My name is Julia Garcia. I am 10 years old. I live in Havana, the capital of Cuba, with my parents Javier and Claudia, my little brother Juan Paolo, my elder brother Alfredo and my litlle sister Maria. In our country, the political situation is not very good. Castro has the power since 3 years and he is a dictator, we don’t have freedom.
Friday, 15th June of 1962, I packed up my things because Dad said that we had to leave Cuba for the USA, because of our politic situation. Mum said that we only need to take necessary items. I felt horrified at the thought of leaving my country, my house with all the memories and my friends. Juan Paolo cried because we couldn’t take the cat with us. At night, Dad woke us up because we had to leave without being seen. I remember that Dad bore my little brother Juan Paolo in his arms while Mum was giving a cuddle to Maria.
We walked to the coast, and we took an inflatable boat. There was also a young couple called Carla and Alejandro. They told us that they wanted to get married in New York. They were very kind.
I was so afraid about the trip because the waves rocked the boat and I didn’t feel so well. It was terrible. I thought about death, and I was worried about my family. We supportive to eachother, trying to be couragous and brave, and we believed that one day, we would arrive in New York. Mum and Dad told us about the life in New York, and how better it would be. They talked about the culture, the history too. Alejandro tried to make me smile with jokes, but I was not in a mood to smile. During two days, we were cold, we didn’t know if we would arrive in the USA. Mum gave us the meal, a piece of bread and sausages. At last, we perceived the Florida coast so we began to feel excited.

After some long hours, we finally arrived in Miami. It was  the sunday, 17th of June at 5 pm. I put my foot for the first time in the USA, I put my foot in my new life. We waited for the train to New York. Immediatly, dad went to the customs post to declare our presence on the territory. He explained that we were political refugees so the customs gave him an authorization. Then, we arrived at the train station in 17 O’clock in Manhattan. A new country, a new city, a new start. I’ve never seen so many people like this. Dad bore Juan Paolo in his arms and told us to stay together and to be carefull. In front of us, stood up many buildings. I felt lost. I didn’t have any benchmark.
It was so strange, so big! I didn’t understand their language, no word looked like spanish language. It was so annoying! I couldn’t find my way, and I was confused. I heard spanish spoken, foreigners in the same situation than us. Some of them cried, other laughed. It was overcrowded, there were many kinds of people like black people, white people… People from all over the world. I had never seen that, so much difference, so much people. More and more, I saw the attractive part of the city, and I felt lost, those new roads, new buildings, new shops, all was new. But we had to find a place to stay for the night, so we began to search. But the price was high, we didn’t have too much money. At the end of the day, we found a crappy room to sleep in security. I woke up in the afternoon, a sunshine blinded my eyes.
But we had to find a school, a place to live, a job for my father as quick as possible. We had to be used to New York quickly. We decided to eat in a canteen because it was not too expensive. There were a lot of poor people. Dad spoke with the manager of the restaurant, who was Cuban too. He gave us an address in the New Jersey for cheap accodomation. He explained us that there were a lot of people and that we had to live altogether in a little room. So, we went to that appartement and we signed the papers to live in. It was gloomy, unsanitary, it looked like a horror place. From this moment, our new life began. Dad found a work in an industrial factory, he won’t get too much money but we managed to live. Mum took care of us, and stayed at home when we were at school. My integration in my new school was not easy, but I met friends. They talked about New Jersey, how they live there…  And there was New York, that we could see in the distance. I dreamt to live in this city, it would be exciting and wonderful.

This is my story. Today, I am proud of myself. I am used to New York now, and I have bought a appartment in Manhattan. I have graduated from the university, my life has just started.


The trip of Julia Garcia

  •  Julia Garcia
  • 10 years old  22/12/1952
  • Cuban
  • Havana
  • Immigrated in New York City, USA because of the politic situation, the dictature in Cuba.
  • With her brothers and sister and her parents: Maria (8years old), Juan Pualo (5years old), Alfredo (15 years old), Javier (the father, 36 years old) and Claudia (the mother, 35 years old).