MID New-York : Mexican immigration


Name : Antonio Marquez

Date of birth : 15/12/1990

Place of birth : Monclova

Situation : Pick up cotton in a plantation

Date of the travel : 08/06/2010

Road : He Started from Monclova behind he past the rio grande in Piedras Negras. He hitch hike in Texas, in Florida and he finished his trip in New-York.

Arrival: He arrived 4 months after having left his country. He lived in the Bronx, in a ghetto where there had other mexicans. He was alone and his apartment is very dirty and unhealthy. He couldn’t paid his housing rental so he searched a job and found them. The job was cleaned the kitchen of a restaurant. But he won not a lot of money so he intregate a mexican gang who dealt drugs, dealt arms and did prostitution. He became a leader in his gang and he killed lot of people, he was guilty.

This history take place in 2010 in Monclova in Mexico with a mexican’s immigrant.

My name is Antonio Marquez and I’m 20 years old. My city is a poor city, in the north of Mexico called Monclova. In Monclova I picked up cotton in a plantation, it was very difficult and I didnt earn a lot of money so I lived in a shanty town, it was very awful and exhausting too. So I started to think to go away from Monclova. The month after, I took food, water and a bag with my clothes and my life was gathered in it. I started my trip very early in the morning, when I past the Rio Grande in Piedras Negras, I was both very excited about the idea of going outside of my country but I was also very nervous because there were lot of cops. I was a bit surprised because a friend had told me that there were no check points at the border in the Rio Grande. So I crossed over the river very fast and when I was on the other side, a guard spotted me. So I ran very very fast because all the guards had their dogs also but it was very difficult and I was frightened. But despite everything I succeeded in and the road to go to New-York was open. The week after I crossed the Texas and the Florida, but walking is very tiring so I hitch hiked to go in New-York and 2 weeks after I had arrived in New-York in the borough of the Bronx in University Heights because it’s a very cheap district . So I live in this borough in a ghetto with others mexicans in the district of Norwood. This district is very gloomy because every day there are a lot of crimes and lots of drug trafficking and arms. So to get out of this hell I looked for a job but because I was Mexican, I had a work very exhausting. This work consisted of clean the kitchen of a luxury restaurant. I have worked in this restaurant for 3 months because my boss said to me I wasn’t a good worker so I was fired and I have needed money for pay my rent.Despite my self I had to integrate a mexican gang. Right, this gang dealt drugs, arms and did prostitution so it was a very dangerous gang but I wasn’t scared. In my first day in the « Burrito » the name of this gang I was hazed by the members of the gang. The day after I went with 3 other members of the gang dealt drugs with cubans but it was a trap because a member of my gang was a traitor so I killed him. But I graded in my gang to became two year after the leader of the « Burrito ». I have killed lot of people, lot of criminals but also lot of innocents. I bought a big house in Staten Island with a tennis ground, a golf ground, I was very rich but confused. Also the cops searched me , I was a criminal ! When I was a kid I dreamed about New-York, Times Squares, Broadway, the harlem globe trotters. I thought all in New-York was beautiful, funny,wonderful but it’s not the truth. New-York is both a city of dreams and of nightmares.

Mexican :

At the 2010 census, there were 319,263 Mexican Americans living in New York City. In 2009, in the new-york’s hispanic population, 13.5% was Mexican. Mexicans are the fastest growing group of Hispanic population.


Census of Ethnic concentration in the Bronx in 2000 :




We can see in the west and in the south of the Bronx there are a big concentration of hispanics. The hispanics live in the Bronx because it’s a poor borough.