Title: Smash! The Game
The purpose of the game is to beat your enemy. Your have to touch your enemy with your moves 10 times to win. Each character has a different attack and is specific to a player (for example, player 1 can’t use the character Jotaro, etc). The characters available are :
- Player 1 : Ryu (from Street Fighter): Select 1
- Player 2 : Ken (from Street Fighter) : Select 2
- Player 1 : Krilin (from Dragon Ball) : Select 4
- Player 1 : Naruto (from Naruto) : Select 3
- Player 2 : Jotaro (from Jojo’s bizarre adventure) : Select 5
- Player 2 : Rock Lee (from Naruto) : Select 6
- Player 1 : Ichigo (from Bleach) : Select 7
The fight takes place in a dojo. The development of the game is:
- click on the green flag
- find a friend to play with you
- select your characters (restart the game if you miss click)
- play the game and beat the other guy
- win (or lose)
If you want to restart the game, you may have to click 2-3 times on the green flag.
The problem that we had to resolve is the time of creation, because this game takes a lot of time to create.
To begin with, we created the sprites of the characters. Then, we programmed the moves and the jumps of the character and balanced it. After, we programmed the attacks of the characters, and added a point counter. To finish, we created a character selector to choose the characters.
Lien : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/218892420/