Awful Button Game (PL et Charlélie)

This game is called the ‘Awful Button Game’ (1st version). (This game will continue to be developed)

The purpose of this game is really simple: try to beat your score (timer), by clicking on start. There is only one image of the sprite, but actually there are 4 sprites, with different line codes.




The first one is made to begin the game, even though it is laughing at you because you will not be able to click it on the first time.




The second one is made as a break between the first and the second timer.



The third is based on an random algorithm which is making the sprite glide to a position based on the orthonormal system.


The fourth is telling you what are your two timers and tells you to try the game again.

We had some problems with the ‘random algorithm’ because we didn’t know how to code the fact that the sprite must move between two defined positions. We actually coded every position at the beginning, but we found the ‘pick random .. and .. ‘ block.

We also had some problems with the timer, like it was a specific block, so we didn’t know how to use it. We finally understood that we needed to use variables.

(I know this game is quite short, but with Pierre Louis’ absences and mine, we couldn’t code a really great game)

Link to the game:

Pierre-Louis and Charlélie

All pictures are from Scratch