Robots in movie Adèle Corentin

Part 1 :

Where and how are robots used ?

We can find a lot of different robots, like Robotic toys, exoskeleton, drones (ex pizza delivered by drones), autonomous cars, companion for elderly people, bionics (hand, eye ), Artificial Intelligences.

They also can be used at home : vacuum cleaner, in hospitals, in the army, in surgery, in industry, in space conquest, in theme parks, exhibition, museums, at school (can robots improve students skills) and in movies.

Have you ever used robots ?

Yes I have used robotic toys with my little brother, it was Thermomix and a blender.

Advantages :

Robots become more efficient and precise than humans.

They can do things that are not physically possible.

There are faster and more regular than humans.

Disadvantages :

Some people have lost their jobs because of the robots.

It’s expensive.

Part 2


Kira is a camera robot. This robot is used to make videos human can’t do. Kira is a very intricate camera robot, we can control it with a game controller or with a software (MP Studio) to create new move for the robot. Kira is often used in advertisment by big companies like Microsoft, Adidas or Chevrolet. Here are some examples:


Kira presentation video: