In the army

In the army, there are a lot of different robots, such as robots mine clearance experts, drone, robots of fight and robots SWORDS, so we are going to explain the different robots.

  1. Robots mine clearance experts

Robots mine clearance experts are used in the army because robots are more precise and limit the risk of explosion, then, why a human being could be killed while a robot can do the work in stand.

2.  Drones

The military drones are used to spot the enemies in a plane without drivers, we call these robots, “reconnaissance drones” but there are also “drones of fights” which are equiped with weapons.

3. Fight robots

Fight robots are used on a battlefields to help  soldiers in  fights, generally equiped with weapons and with different equipments useful for the fight.

4. Robots SWORDS

The robot SWORDS has be used by the American army since 2004. He is equiped with a machine gun, with one throw pomegranate of 6mm, with a camera reached of 1000m. He can contain up to 300 chargers. But this machine of war can cost up to $250 000.

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