Our new world and the video game Mospectros

1) Our new world

I’m a man who comes from the earth. I am a French soldier sent in America to help countries. I discover a new world, Mospectros, when I fell in the “Triangle des Bermudes” during a mission in Atlantic sea.

During my adventure, I discover a different world than our. The world is a medieval world, there are lot of farmers who are poor and some nobles people. The farmers cultivate big fields and the nobles fight and eat all day long.

The cities are small and dirty, the wars are everywhere. There are diseases like plague or cholera, nobody know how to cure themselves. But I was able to discover areas of forest, bigs lakes. In this world the nature was not touched by the humans.

I was lost and I had to change my clothes to survive in this unknown world. I was said to win a fight against a terrible wizard, and to take his creature, a big dragon.
Lot of children are kidnapped by him. I think I can win the fight and comes back to my planet, the earth.

Please, help me to win !

2) Our video game : Welcome to Mospectros !


Identity Card of the Divergent’s world and the radio’s emission.

1) Identity Card of the Divergent’s world.

We will present somethings of the Divergent’s world :

Where ? In Chicago, in USA. The city is surrounded by bigs borders.
When ? A near futur.
Organization : There are five factions (Audacious, Brotherly, Sincere, Altruist, Scholars)
Main characters : Tris & Four (Tobias)
The ennemis : Jeanine Mattews and the Scholars.

Books : There are three books.
Movies : One of the third is in the cinema

2) The Radio’s emission.


Jaquette Divergente

Jaquette Divergente
