Mathematic Analysis of the video game

In our game we used a lot of algorithms like if then or the variables.

For exemple, interactions are managed by two variables that lieds interactions between different sprites :  If…… then change variable i1 by 1….. else / When i1 > 0, then say “…….”            So we can say all sprite in the game are lied together by a lot of interactions.

We had to resolve many bug and debugging is a very anoying activity. Our game is composed by 4 sequences that we had to build.

In the game, when you press some inputs one sprite will move and the game can begin; Come to see it at this adress :

An incredible trip

The spaceship take off of the earth because the earth is being destroyed, so I left my planet. Now, I live in my spaceship.

One day, I discovered the wanted planet but the aliens are protecting Julious. I’m cheerful to meet an other humanoïd race. In the second time, I had to fight against them. The aliens didn’t want foreign people in their world. I deploied all my arsenal and forces to invade their planet. During the fight, I lost a lot of my army because the magics powers of aliens, threw the glue on reactors. So, the tuched spaceship blow-up. We used the laser to kill the weird population. After, I wanted to land with fellow humans. But we had a problem, the wanted planet was protected by a field of meteorite and we need to pass them to land.

Link of the game :