
My name is Almida O.. I’m 16 years old and I live in a small town in Sweden called Nybro. What defines me is that I’m usually positive and happy and I listen to music quite a lot. Music is my passion and the best thing I can think of is going to conerts and hearing my favourite songs live. I think that France is a very beautiful country and everybody is very nice and friendly. I think the school in France is waaaaay harder than in Sweden. The food is different to Sweden as well. I like the French food but it’s very different to the Swedish food. I thikn that the French students live a more stressful life than we do in Sweden. They start school early and end school late compared to us and after that they have to study. In Sweden we complain about having too much homework and going too long in school, but compared to the French students we have next to nothing to do.