French nursery-and primaryschool

The nursery school in France begins when the children are about 2-3 years old. They are divided into 3 different levels depending on how old they are. One group has 20-25 kids so they are split into smaller groups with 5-6 children and one teacher. The school is not free but the food is. They eat regularly, every 2nd h.
The primary school begins when they are 5-6 years old and they are also 20-25 kids in every class. There are 5 different levels depending on how old the kids are:
CP 5-6
CE1 6-7
CE2 7-8
CM1 8-9
CM2 9-10
Common activities is drawing, playing outside, sports and so on. They also learn to write , read, calculate math, cooking and paint. In CE2 they start with english lessons. In contrary to the nurseryschool they just eat lunch in school.