Mandela : the Film

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 20 janvier 2014 in All Categories, Listening |

Click on the poster to watch the trailer

Protégé : Act2 scene1 :How old are they?

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 17 janvier 2014 in 6èmes, Listening |

Il n’y a pas d’extrait, car cet article est protégé.

American Breaksfast

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 5 décembre 2013 in 4èmes, All Categories, Listening, Speaking, Vocabulary, Writing |

Click, Listen, repeat and play !

Do you like bananas ?

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 29 novembre 2013 in 6èmes, All Categories, Listening, Vocabulary |

Listen again and sing !!  

Telling the time

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 22 novembre 2013 in 5èmes, 6èmes, All Categories, Listening, Speaking |

Click on the clock to watch the video Exercise :

Job interviews

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 21 novembre 2013 in 3èmes, All Categories, Listening |  

Act 1 scene 2 : Who is the man in blue ? Mr Ricotti…a businessman…not only…he is also a gangster !

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 18 octobre 2013 in 6èmes, All Categories, Listening |

click here and listen to the dialogue , then complete your text in your copy book :

Protégé : Act 1 scene 1 : Julie meets James : at the airport

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 11 octobre 2013 in 6èmes, All Categories, Listening |

Il n’y a pas d’extrait, car cet article est protégé.

Protégé : Odd Jobs

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 27 septembre 2013 in 3èmes, All Categories, Listening |

Il n’y a pas d’extrait, car cet article est protégé.

Protégé : Listen again to Ellen and Robert

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 15 septembre 2013 in 4èmes, All Categories, Listening |

Il n’y a pas d’extrait, car cet article est protégé.

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