Millenium Stadium in Cardiff : We went there in 2009!!

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 4 février 2011 in All Categories, Trip to the UK |

News from Cardiff

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 21 mai 2009 in 4èmes, All Categories, Trip to the UK |

Follow the link : 

Trip to Cardiff 2009

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 20 mai 2009 in 4èmes, All Categories, Trip to the UK |

24/05/09 25/05/09 26/05/09 27/05/09 28/05/09 29/05/09 30/05/09 A prévoir par les élèves 4 petits déjeuners en familles d’accueil Caféteria Le Mans 7H00 Arrivée à PORTSMOUTH 10H00 – 11H00 STONEHENGE English Heritage 10H00 – 11H30 Initiation au golf 10H30 Big Pit Museum BATH Découverte de la ville Départ vers 7H30 Route vers LONDRES Arrivée au Collège […]

Information before the trip to Cardiff

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 19 mai 2009 in 4èmes, All Categories, Trip to the UK |

Don’t bring a sleeping bag or sheets. You can bring a small towel. You should take a small plastic bottle that you can refill everyday with tap water. If you have any questions, please send me a mail !

English Money

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 20 avril 2009 in 4èmes, Trip to the UK |

Don’t forget to order your English money at the bank ! – Be familiar with the English coins – Use English coins ! – Convert Euros (€) to Pounds (£)  and Pounds  to Euros


Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 26 octobre 2008 in 4èmes, Trip to the UK |

Click on the pictures

Tower of London

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 4 octobre 2008 in 4èmes, Listening, Trip to the UK |


Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 25 mai 2008 in 4èmes, Trip to the UK |

Vegetables Fruit

Trip to London

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 17 mai 2008 in 4èmes, Trip to the UK |

English money : Don’t be lost !

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 17 avril 2008 in 4èmes, All Categories, Trip to the UK |

Find out the change given. Amount of Sale: £0.29 Amount    Paid: £5.00 -> Change = £4.71 £2: 2 £1: £0.50: 1 £0.20: 1 £0.10: £0.05: £0.02: £0.01:1

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