The Help Trailer

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 26 octobre 2011 in 3èmes, All Categories, Listening with Comments closed |

“The Help is a 2009 novel by American author Kathryn Stockett. The story is about African American maids working in white households in Jackson, Mississippi during the early 1960s.”


Film release in the USA : August 12th, 2011

Film release in France : October 26th, 2011

Human Planet

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 26 octobre 2011 in All Categories, Listening, Reading with Comments closed |

 Watch the trailer :

Watch an extract :

Protégé : Enjoy 4ème : Listen to the Student’s Tracks

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 26 octobre 2011 in 4èmes, Listening |

Cet article est protégé par un mot de passe. Pour le lire, veuillez saisir votre mot de passe ci-dessous :

Protégé : Acting in Year 8A : In the classroom

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 26 octobre 2011 in 5èmes, Speaking |

Cet article est protégé par un mot de passe. Pour le lire, veuillez saisir votre mot de passe ci-dessous :

MemoVoc : to learn your English Vocabulary

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 10 octobre 2011 in 5èmes, 6èmes, All Categories, Vocabulary with Comments closed |

Click on the picture

Cars 2 : Can you recognize London monuments ?

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 3 octobre 2011 in 4èmes, 6èmes, All Categories, Trip to the UK with Comments closed |

Have a look there too

Introducing oneself

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 23 septembre 2011 in 3èmes, 4èmes, Listening with Comments closed |

See you soon

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 26 août 2011 in All Categories with Comments closed |

Back from the UK

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 15 mai 2011 in 4èmes, Trip to the UK with Comments closed |

You can leave your comments in English !

Trip to CARDIFF 2011

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 5 mai 2011 in 4èmes, All Categories with Comments closed |

Click on the picture

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