Simple Past – Year 5

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 22 mars 2020 in 5èmes, All Categories, Grammar with Comments closed |

Grammar time – Teen Time 5ème

– Exercise 1 page 50

– Exercise 1 page 51

– Exercise 2 page 51

– Exercise 1 page 52





Exercise 2 page 52



Protégé : Escape game : Harry Potter

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 13 mars 2020 in 4èmes |

Cet article est protégé par un mot de passe. Pour le lire, veuillez saisir votre mot de passe ci-dessous :

King of the Pop

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 9 mars 2020 in 4èmes with Comments closed |

Pronouncing -ed

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 6 mars 2020 in 3èmes, 4èmes, 5èmes, Speaking with Comments closed |


Play with verbs !

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 28 février 2020 in Grammar, Irregular Verbs, Vocabulary with Comments closed |

Big Challenge

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 19 février 2020 in 3èmes, 4èmes, 5èmes, All Categories, Big Challenge with Comments closed |

Play on Kahoot with the Big Challenge Tests

Check your answers and play on Kahoot !



Click on the picture to play on Game Zone

Irregular verbs – Make Yourself Heard – Year 10

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 15 février 2020 in 3èmes, All Categories, Irregular Verbs with Comments closed |

Learn your irregular verbs and play ! Who’s going to be the best ?

Challenge – List 1 – Verbs 1 to 11

Chalenge Pin : 0752734

Results : Challenge 1 : week 1+2
1rst : Antonin 2nd : Zoé2  3rd : m
Challenge – List 2 – Verbs 1 to 21

Chalenge Pin : 0878321

Results : Challenge 1 : week 1+2
1rst : Camille 2 2nd : Maria  3rd : Mareva
Challenge – List 3 – Verbs 1 to 35

Chalenge Pin : 0362803

Results : Challenge 1 : week 1+2
1rst : Mareva 2nd : Mareva2  3rd : Camille


Irregular verbs – Heroes – Year 9

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 15 février 2020 in 4èmes, All Categories, Irregular Verbs with Comments closed |


Learn the Irregular Verbs from the Sequence and challenge your friends !

Who will be the best ?

Try the new Challenges for Week 3 !!

Challenge list 1 – Verbs 1 to 10

Challenge Pin : 0275581
Results Challenge Week 1+2
1rst : Dylan M. 2nd : sb 3rd : Ornella
Challenge list 2 – Verbs 1 to 20

Challenge Pin : 0261572
Results Challenge Week 1+2
1rst : Dylan M. 2nd : sb 3rd : Maumau
Challenge list 3 – Verbs 1 to 30

Challenge Pin : 0596114
Results Challenge Week 1+2
1rst : Dylan M. 2nd : sb 3rd : Ornella
Challenge list 4 – Verbs 1 to 40

Challenge Pin : 0384675
Results Challenge Week 1+2
1rst : Dylan M. 2nd : Océane 3rd :Hassna A.



Irregular verbs – Exercise 1
Regular verbs – Exercise 2
Irregular verbs – Exercise 3
Regular verbs – Exercise 4


Sarlat 2019

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 14 juin 2019 in 5èmes, All Categories, Reading with Comments closed |

Our City : Nueil les Aubiers

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 20 février 2019 in 4èmes, All Categories, Speaking with Comments closed |

Presentation of Nueil les Aubiers in English :



Presentation of Nueil les Aubiers in Spanish :


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