Back to school very soon…

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 25 août 2009 in All Categories with Comments closed |


The American Melting Pot

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 25 août 2009 in 3èmes, All Categories, Listening with Comments closed |


Learn more about Australia

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 25 août 2009 in 3èmes, All Categories with Comments closed |


Writing poems

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 20 août 2009 in 3èmes, Writing with Comments closed |

¤ Write an Acrostic Poem

¤ Use to help you find your rhymes :rhymes

(Write a word, hold the alt key and click on the word to find a rhyme for it…)


Listening to the news from the BBC

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 20 août 2009 in 3èmes, 4èmes, 5èmes, All Categories, Listening with Comments closed |


You can listen to the news and read the scripts !

American states

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 13 août 2009 in 3èmes, All Categories with Comments closed |

usa_map–  American States : Tutorial 1

American States Tutorial 2

American States : Level 1 : where is the state  ?

American States : Level 2 : where is the state ?


Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 7 août 2009 in All Categories, Listening with Comments closed |

podcards1Listen to audio postcards

Why learning a foreign language ?

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 7 août 2009 in All Categories with Comments closed |

Get the answer in this video :


Listening to stories in English

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 7 août 2009 in Listening with Comments closed |


Learn new words

Posted by coll-abbe-pierre-english on 31 juillet 2009 in All Categories, Vocabulary with Comments closed |



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