Radio shows on robotics research

During the meeting in France, in November 2014, French and Spanish students worked on the subject of robotics research.

They prepared and recorded some radio shows. deltaFM

(French school’s radio: DELTA FM 90.2)


French group Assimo with Spanish students: David and Rubén presenting life saving and nano robots:

Jaquette Asimo


French group Beemo (Martial, JingKun, Marie, Soline) with Spanish students: Alejandro and Daniel presenting robotics research in space:



French group EVE2D2  (Lila, Sija, Solène) with Spanish students: Samuel, Anaton, Ana and Fatima presenting robotics research on exoskeletons:



French group MOBY with their Spanish partners presenting bionic hand:



French group Optimus Prime with Spanish students: Alejandro, Marta, Sofia and Nerea presenting robots companions and home robots:

jaquette optimus