
During partners’ meeting in Turin, Thursday morning was devoted to international activities at school. The main subject was Airbus 380 and its manufacturing in different European countries.


At first, all students presented the work they had done before the meeting (that can be seen in the previous tabs of this blog).

French students presentation was a TV show: a journalist (Nicolas)  interviewed some specialists  on Space and Aeronautics Industry in France (other french students). They followed the teleprompter and the slide show that they had to prepare before the meeting.

You can see some pictures of students presentations:



Next, students in small international teams had to answer the NASA quiz questions.

Through this quiz students could learn more on aeronautics and could get to know each other better. Each group had to fill in the document prepared by Italian teacher before the meeting.




Spanish students of technological classes present a new way of working between different European countries in the collaborative Airbus 380 project.

They also present the main parts of the plane and explain how some of them can control the plane movement.