Industry Imapct

In this part we present our students works on the Impact of Industry on the Society and Environment.

Spanish students work on the industrial waste:

(click on the picture to open their Prezi presentation)

Italian students research on how the industrial development changed the structure of our Italian society, originating the so-called “Italian Economic Miracle”

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French students work (blue texts are links)

– on the industry of tomorrow:

How to design sustainable cities of the future? What will be the tansport and the communication of tomorrow? Many innovations have been developped in the architectural design and energy sourcing of Masdar City – Abu Dabi’s Green Dream.

“Masdar City : how do the technology progress and environmental consciousness modify engineering development “ by Nicolas, Théo and Pierre

– on the industrial air pollution:

What industries are the main sources of air pollution? What diseases are caused by air pollution? How to reduce air pollution levels?

You can find some answers to these questions in “Industrial air pollution and health risk” – the article written by Natalia and Melvin.

How some industries and the technology development improve our life?

Alix and Mickaël investigations on “How on-board automotive technologies improve the safety of driving?”   ! click on the page to see the next one !

and Mathieu’s article on “The impact of the space conquest on our life”

What is the impact of video games industry on society and people’s health?

Students involved in the video games project ACF’eed try to answer this question. Their articles on this subject are published on their website: ACF’eed WEBSITE

Maltese students presentations:

Industry impact by Gracie Attard

Industry impact by Cathrine Borg

Industry impact by Coco Baker Borg

Project on the French school’s radio

Students participating in this Comenius project  deltaFMrecorded many radio shows on the French school’s radio. Some of these radio shows were recorded during our meetings in France, so all the partners were involved in their preparation.

During the open days at the French school, students presented the project to visiting persons through the school’s radio.

Below you have links to our students radio programmes:

Radio programmes on the history of robots in November 2013.

Radio programmes on the research in robotics by French and Spanish students.

International radio show in March 2014:picture_radio_show