Our Sponsors

Our Comenius project is granted by European Lifelong Learning Programme (Programme d’éducation et de formation tout au long de la vie)

comenius_logoSome of french students’ mobilities are supported by “La Région Poitoiu-Charentes


We get a great support from our school LP2I (France) and its radio Delta FM 90.2








France March 2014

 Delegations from 10 European Countries came to LP2I (France) for the international week in March 2014. The present countries were:  Italy, Malta, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Russia. 

   This event was an opportunity to present our Comenius project to foreign students and teachers and to involve some of them in our robotics activities.

The timeline of the meeting:

Radio show on the I&R Comenius and some special uses for Robots


This radio show was broadcasted on the french school’s radio DELTA FM 90.2.

It was a students’ task. They have to prepare the content before the meeting in Poitiers. Students have chosen the theme: “Random and strange uses for Robots”.

French students have prepared the programme. Then Italian students have developed the part on the robotherapy and Maltese students the part on new kinds of robots for the fashion industry. picture_2At the end of the radio show all presented students discussed the use of robots in our life.
A small video of the recording is available in our TwinSpace.

Next, French students had to clean the Radio Show so you can listen to the final version.

Introduction and basics of Robotics programming workshop

 During the first robotics activity students, in small international groups, had to program and test their robots. At the and of this workshop a contest between robots allowed to choose the best ones. 


You can find more pictures of this mobility in our TwinSpace.

Italy April 2014


The theme of this mobility was Industry and Airbus. The programme of the week was full of interesting events. The most important were the visit to COMAU Factory, world leader in production of industrial robots, and students activities at school on Airbus 380, European collaborative project.

The timeline of the mobility:

Some pictures of students’ activities at school (took by Italian Students):

and pictures of participating partners:

COMAU factory visit: 

See how our students programmed a robotic arm during their vist to COMAU Factory in the “Robo Lab”, after the lesson and explanations given by the engineers of the company that hosted us on 9th April 2014 on how a robotic arm works and what it can perform in industries, according to their different tasks

French students articles about the mobility to Italy:

(click on the page of the article to open the following one)

Nicolas & Melvin: visit of the Milan’s World-Famous Gothic Cathedral

Ismaël : Leonardo da Vinci area in Milan’s Science Museum

Marc: Evolution of light bulbs in Milan’s Science Museum

Arthur: Transpot area in Milan’s Science Museum

 Lucas: COMAU factory visit

Nathan: Automobile museum

Elie: Royal Palace in Turin

Mathieu: Cinema museum in Turin

Amaury: visit of Baroque Turin 

Juan: French students’ impressions on hosting families’ warm welcome

 For more information about this event you can visit our TwinSpace