Theme 1: England in the Middle Ages

Trace écrite Domesday Book (A recopier dans le cahier)

Royal commissioners were sent out around England to collect the information from thousands of settlements; the country was split up into 7 regions, called ‘circuits’ of the country. They carried with them a set of questions to ask in each county. They wrote all the information in Latin, like the final Domesday document itself. There are 13 418 places listed in the Domesday Book. It was an astonishingly detailed survey of the English towns and countryside.

The annual income of each unit of production was valued in monetary terms and many assets such as labour force or ploughs were individually listed.

The Domesday survey covered all of England as it existed in 1086.

It was an investigation into the ressources of the kingdom to raise taxes to finance its army. The information collected was written by hand in two enormous books, in the space of a year. William died before it was finished.

The Domesday Book provides invaluable information about the economy and society of 11th Century Norman England. For historians it can be used to discover the wealth of England, the information about the feudal system and the information about the geography and demographic situation of the country.

Entrainement Kahoot pour l’évaluation de mercredi:


2- The feudal system and the domesday book.

1- England flipbook

After cutting the 5 maps, complete them. Use the following pieces of information.

700 BC : there were 3 groups, two of which I’ve just given to you. You have to find what group was living in current Scotland.Color them in three different colors and write their names.

55 BC / 43 AD : put Hadrian’s wall on the map and draw arrows to show the Romans invasion

410 AD : Draw arrows to show where the invaders came from and then divide the map according to the 7 kingdoms (colour each kingdom in a different color) and write the names of the 7 kingdoms.

787 AD : New invaders arrived, draw arrows to show where they arrived.

1066 AD : Indicate with an arrow who arrived from France. And put the famous battle which occured in this year along with the capital of England which actually became the capital this year.