Séquence # 1 Nice to meet me !

Vocabulary challengehttps://quizlet.com/_c19daw?x=1qqt&i=2bpagn

Document 1: Chinese portrait

Document 2: Maria’s Chinese portrait

Document 3: Why are people taking selfies?

Document 4: Are you living an insta life?

Murs collaboratifs:

2nde groupe 3: https://digiboard.app/b/9920f917d9e1d 

2nde groupe 8https://digiboard.app/b/76a166cb6e2ba

Document 5: Dangerous selfies (Group work)

Document 6: Poems

  • Down to earth and cool
  • Poem to complete

Documents annexes : 

Sequence # 1 (A)social networks?

Document 4: Are you living an insta lie?


Document 1 : Social Media and dopamine

A- Listen to the following document

B- Complete the following exercise

Document 2 : Social media and loneliness

Document 3 : How do citizens use Twitter?


Extra documents:

A- Are you living an insta lie?

Watch the video and write a paragraph in English to explain what it is about. 

B- Why are we hooked on social media?

Extra document 2 why are we hooked on SM

C- Does Twitter have the right to ruin your life?

Watch the following video and click on the correct answers. When it’s done write a French recap of it in your copybook.
