
Our group is composed of 5 students, 3 French and 2 Chinese : Matthieu, Xiaoyi, Aymeric, Linyan, and Camille.

We are in Seconde B at the LP2I. For an Interdisciplinary Module of Robotics, we have to make a blog. You can follow what we have done in the Diary, see the evolution of the robot we made for the NXT Project, and read about the influence of the robots in movies and literature.

Enjoy reading !



I-Robot – Robots in movies

In the beginning of « I robot » we can see two police men talking about maybe a robot called Sonny was killed his owner, one of the two men wanted to talk with the robot so he asked the other man about it. The boss does not agree with him, After a long talking, the man entered the interrogation room, when he is entering he winked an eye. So when the robot first seen him,the first word that he said is « what does it mean: to wink ? » so the man answered that is a sign of trust, it’s a human thing, you doesn’t understand. The robot says « My father tried to teach me the feelings .» so the man thinks of the designer of the robot who is the scientist and was killed by someone. So after that the conversation between the man and the robot changed to the death of scientist. The man wanted to know why the robot hides when it know the doctor was killed, because he thinks that the robot does not have feelings.

We can think the robot is a bad robot and he had killed the doctor.


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10th December session

We have programmed the NXT robot and after we tested the robot.


Marine and Zhangru started the blog, they write the presentation of the group, NXT project and the beginning of the article on the movie “I, Robot”. Natalia wrote an article to summary the interrogation scene in the movie I robot.


We tried to program the robot but the program did not work. So we dismantled the robot to see what was the problem,. We found the problem: the construction of the robot was not good.So we had to rebuild the robot.

Yiyue continued the article about robots of star wars.

3rd december session

Today, we have chosen what robot we would like to create. We have chosen the Ball Shooter. Because as we have said in our NXT presentation, it is easy to build and to program. After, we have begun to search the pieces of the robot.


We have dicovered the arm of our robot.


After, we have begun to put the components on or in this arm.


And again, and again,…


Until we finished the robot.


Writer : Marine

Pictures by Natalia

Today we have almost finished the NXT robot and the article about the “robots in movies”. The robot is ready to be programmed and the article has been put on the blog.


Our MID group

We are a group of four people composed of Xinru, Félix, Candice and Ambre. This year, in MID, we are talking about robots.

At first, the project was to do a radio show. We was talking about robotics in general, we made a debate about it and we presented a Japanese rock band called Z-Machines.

Now, we are working on the building a of a robot. Our robot will be able to write. It is built with NXT parts.

In this blog, we are going to speak about robots in society: in books, movies …

You can follow the progress of our robot in this blog ! So have fun discovering !

Félix, Candice, Xinru et Ambre.


Article about I robot

The scene takes place in the future. In a police station, one policeman, named Spooner wants to interrogate a robot, named Sonny. His superior doesn’t want to let him do that but finally he gives Spooner five minutes to question the robot. Spooner thinks the robot murdered doctor Lanning, his designer.

During the interrogation the robot have humans reactions and Spooner wants the robot to know he’s not a human. After a little time Sonny reacts like a human, he shows anger and he hits the table with his fists.
At that moment the robot tells everything he knows about the crime.
He says, he loves his designer and he can’t have killed him.
In this scene, we can think the robot is guilty or involved in the death of Doctor.

The author suggests robots can feel emotions and be like real humans and not simply machines.
In our opinion the idea of intelligent robots is not a good idea because robots wouldn’t serve humans and maybe can rebel.

the project

  1. introduction :
    the robot can sort out some lego brics of different colors. it can put in different box.
  2. materials :
    sensors : -color sensor
    -touch sensor
    actuator : 5 servo motors
  3. manufacturing :
    Our robot is made in two parts.-The robot arm could pick up the lego bricks, the arm will be equipped with a color sensor to scan the colors of the bric. If the robot detects a blue color it pinchs the brick with motor 3. If the robot detects another color other than blue it doesn’t pinch the brick. After the second motor makes  the arm revolve 180°. Then the robot drops the brick in the boxes.The frame is supporting all the robot and the NXT box. Under the frame there are two motorised wheels and another one that allows the robot to turn on right or left. That is why we need two NXT boxes because there are not enough input on one box for all the sensors and motors to command them
