Acrostic Poems on Canada

Bonjour chers correspondants ! Hello dear penfriends !
Nous sommes vraiment contents de pouvoir échanger avec vous cette année – we are so happy to exchange with you this school year.
Pour commencer, nous vous avons préparé des poèmes acrostiches sur le Canada, nous espérons que vous les aimerez !
To start, we created for you some acrostic poems on Canada, we really hope you’ll like them all !
Can you go to
A beautiful country like Canada to the
North of
America ?
Do not go to France because Canada is more interesting
And Canada has so many provinces!
Can I have maple syrup ?
Ah ! Yes, it’s so good !!!
Noémie likes it !!!
And donuts too ! 
Double-double with it please ! 
Ah ! Thank you !
Canada, I love this country
And I like pancakes too !
No! Maple syrup is better 
And  sugar with it too,
Double-double is so good !
Ah! Let’s go !
Céline Dion is a better singer than Shakira,
Amazing Canada ! It’s the second biggest country in the world, and it’s
Next to Alaska.
America and Canada are good friends but
Double-Double is only found in Canada 
And there is snow on the trees, it’s so beautiful !
Caribous are beautiful
Autumm in Toronto is so cool
No junk food please
And poutine as well
Double-double is good if you have it in…
Amazing Ottawa !
Canada ! It’s so beautiful, I love all the
Animals : bears, moose, from the
North, there 
Are polar bears too. I love
Donuts, but it’s …
Achoo !!! It’s so cold in Canada !
Canada is very beautiful,
And I love it with the snow. The C…
N tower is so high !
Ah! And beavertails are excellent and with a
Double double, it is so perfect. Bears are very 
Adorable. Yes, I prefer polar bears !
And poutine :
No! I don’t like it!
And my favourite drink is the
Double double!
And this is very good!
Chips and maple syrup, I love it!
And maple tea too! At
Night, I can look at the stars, it’s 
Always beautiful ! But it’s time for a 
Alalala, vive le Canada 🙂
Canada is on the
American continent 
Next to the Atlantic ocean,
And to the Pacific too!
Don’t forget 
Alaska, even if it’s in America!




Et que pensez-vous de ceux sur notre pays ??

France… un si joli pays !
Representé par la Tour Eiffel 
A Paris ! Et le coq,
Notre symbole. Mais 
Connaissezvous les lézards ?
Eh bien ici, nous en avons plein !!!
Français, en cours avec Madame Rollin, c’est génial
République, Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité,
Ainsi est notre devise.
Ne pas courir dans les couloirs à l’école,
Comment apprendre à vivre ensemble,
Etudier toujours, parce qu’on est interessé !