Which celebrity would you choose for the 5th face on Mount Rushmore ?

The 5A (The Beavers) and the 5B (The Loons) worked on several famous American celebrities who have changed the history of the country or even of the world ! Here are the biographies they published in 2 on-line magazines ! On the “comment” part, you can write the name of the one you would choose to become the 5th face on Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota, USA – or even suggest another one !







La France !

Chers correspondants,

Voici un récapitulatif en images de notre dernier envoi composé de photos et d’explications pour vous montrer ce qui représente pour nous le plus notre pays ! Et vous, qu’est-ce qui représente le plus le Canada ? A bientôt !

Bonne rentrée !

Bonjour les correspondants !

It’s time to go back to school. This year, each of you will have 2 French penfriends since we are 2 classes, the 5A and the 5B. Loriane in 5A and Lisa in 5B have drawn mascots so that each time we’ll publish an article on the blog, you’ll know which class is concerned. We are writing our first letters in order to introduce ourselves, we’ll send them in a few days ! Meanwhile, bonne rentrée à vous !

5A – the beavers !

5B – the loons !

Our food trucks

Salut les correspondants !

Avant de partir en vacances, on a décidé d’imaginer les meilleurs food trucks 😉 On a réfléchi aux menus et créé des petits dialogues. Vous iriez tester lequel vous ?

Enjoy your summer vacation !

Easter Egg Hunt

HaticeEROL / Pixabay

Coucou les correspondants ! Here we are, back to virtual school for us too…
But last weekend was Easter and we all went on an egg hunt in our gardens !

Do you go egg hunting too ? We wish we could share what we’ve found with you. Meanwhile, take care and stay safe ! A bientôt !

The best team was definitely Mathéo and his siblings 🙂

Merci !

C’est avec une grande joie que nous avons découvert vos dernières lettres cette semaine. Vous avez écrit de longues lettres, c’est SUPER ! On espère que vous voyez nos sourires malgré les masques. On a hâte de vous répondre maintenant. A très vite !!!