First Nations

Les peuples des Premières Nations désignent le continent de l’Amérique du Nord sous le nom d’Île de la Tortue.

Ce nom dérive de différentes histoires orales autochtones faisant allusion à une tortue tenant le monde sur son dos. Pour certains peuples autochtones, la tortue est ainsi considérée comme un symbole de vie, et l’histoire de l’Île de la Tortue est rattachée à plusieurs croyances spirituelles et culturelles.

Grâce à ce site transmis par Mrs Phillips, réponds au quiz et apprends-en encore un peu plus sur les traditions et coutumes des First Nations :

Merry Christmas !

School is closing tomorrow for a 2-week break ! We hope you’ll spend a wonderful Christmas with your families. We have decided to write you about Christmas in France as we usually celebrate it AND how we are celebrating it this year with the Covid restrictions. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE FOR CHRISTMAS ??? Happy Holidays !!!


Hello Emaad and Caith !
For Christmas, my family and I like to go to my grandmother’s and gather with my whole family.
For Christmas my grandmother likes to put elves on a shelf .
My cousin and I like to play Santa Claus .
But this year my family is little. My parents and myself are locking us down this year .
For christmas I would like pyjamas and video games for the nintendo switch and manga and new shoes.
For christmas my favorite moment is diner because I like to eat and for the chocolates too !
Good bye Emaad and Caith !
Côme. 🙂
Dear Farida and Tashvi,
For Christmas, every year, my family and I gather with my relatives. On the 24th December, we celebrate Christmas eve. We eat the Christmas meal, in general, we have a yule log. We decorate our Christmas tree and our home ! We prepare cookies and milk for Santa Claus. And, the day after, we open presents.
But this year, only my grandmother is coming at my house. We are eating the Christmas meal. We are watching a Christmas movie. We are decorating the christmas tree with garlands and stars ! The day after, we are all the same opening presents. 
For Christmas, I’d like the costume of Harley Quinn, because I like to dress up, Nike shoes for sport, the games ” Animal Crossing ” for the Switch console set because it’s good. And I’d like money because I would like a new phone case
Merry Christmas ! 
Nelle 🙂
Dear Ali and Yusuf,
Every year I go to my grandparent’s to celebrate Christmas. We eat the Christmas meal. I open the present at 4.00 pm. I celebrate Christmas with my uncles, my aunts and my cousins and we eat at the same table. And we kiss and hug.
But this year, we are celebrating Christmas differently. We are celebrating Christmas in my house because it’s big. We are not eating at the same table, the adults are eating together and the children are eating together. We are not kissing and hugging. And we are putting a mask on.
For Christmas, I would like a drone with a camera to take videos of my farm.
For Christmas, I would like also sneakers because my old sneakers are too small.
Merry Christmas though!
Mathéo B
Dear Keerthek and Jad. 
For Christmas, I decorate the house as soon as 11th of December. 
I celebrate Christmas with my grandfather and with my family. 
We open presents at eleven pm. 
But this year, I am decorating the chrismas tree with  garlands and baubles.
I am listening to music.
I am  playing video games since I can’t visit other people
I am playing football with my brother. 
I am playing the guitar too !
I’d like to draw for my parents. 
I would like a bike because mine is too small
Bye Antoine
Hello Brogan and Daniel !
For Christmas, every year, I do a Christmas tree with decorations : garlands and christmas baubles.
In my family, we celebrate Christmas with my grandparents and with my cousins.
This year, we are not celebrating that differently because my grandmother lives alone and we are not abandoning her. 🙂
For Christmas, I would like alcohol pens, beacause I love drawing.
I would like special paper for alcohol pens.
I would like mangas of “My Hero Academia because I like reading !
I would not like video games.
I would not like a phone, because I have a touchscreen tablet.
I would not like shoes and I would not like clothes.
Paul Climent !
Dear Jasper and Sachin , 
For Christmas every year, with my family, we open the presents.
Christmas is a reason to be together as a family. Christmas is a moment of joy.
At Christmas, you can decorate the Christmas tree because Christmas is a reason to decorate the house.
But this year,Christmas is going to be different because of the covid…
Hello !
Every year, for Christmas, I go to my grandparents’ on the 24th and open my presents on the 25th. We have a big Christmas dinner. In France in general, people eat oysters and smoked salmon, then pototoes and turkey and a yule log for the dessert.
But this year, I’m staying home and I’m watching TV. There are many Disney movies planned.
For Christmas, I’d like money, and you ?
Hello Ethan and Jaycob !
Every Christmas, I celebrate Christmas  with my family : My mom, my dad, my brother, my sister …
With my family, we decorate the Christmas tree .
Every year, we invite people (Ex: My brothers and my sisters)
This year, it’s difficult because of the Covid 19 .
This years I am meeting my family by videoconference .
I am watching TV with my parents .
I am not going to my grand parents .
For Christmas , i would like a piano because i like playing the piano and board games .
Dear Jason and Bosco,
For Christmas, every year, we decorate the Christmas tree and we put garlands.
We go to my auntie’s and we open the presents 
But this year ,i think i am putting a mask on and we are not gathering with my grandparents but only my father and sisters.
We are eating at one metre of distance.
I would like to have a PS5 and equipment  for my motorbike because I am a motorbiker and for the PS5 because i have the PS4 only.
I would like to have fifa 21 because I am a fan of  fifa 20 already.
I would like to decorate my bedroom because I spend a lot of time there !
BYE ,Baptiste !
Dear Zahra,
For Christmas in general, me and my familly we decorate  a Christmas tree and my house .
I gather with my grandfather . We cook a yule log chocolate .
We open the presents And watch T.V.
We are decorating my chrismas tree and my house too but I’am not gathering with my grand-father.
We are planning to cook a yule log all the same.
I’am probably opening less presents I think .
Lyzea 😉
DEAR Samuel and Kelvin,
for Chrismas, in general we decorate the tree. We decorate the tree at my grandmother‘s and we make a chocolate cake.
But this year, we are not cooking . I’m not shopping for Christmas. I am playing video games since there is nothing else to do.
Dear Emma , 
For Christmas, every year we decorate the house .
The 24th december before midnight we put candies for father christmas.
We celebrate christmas at my brother’s.
Bus this year i am not celebrating christmas at my family.
i am not going anywhere.
I am celebrating christmas only with my sister and my mum.
For Christmas, I would like light leds because i would like to decorate my bedroom .
Dear Nithila and Ellie.
For Christmas, I have diner with my family and we open the presents on the 25th december
I decorate my home.
I gather with my family 
But this year, We are not gathering with my cousins 
For Christmas, I would like a horse because I like horseriding.
Dear Shoummo and Riley
For Christmas, in general, My grand parents come at my house and my auntie comes at my house for Christmas.
We open the presents on 25th December
We decorate my house.
But this year
We are not gathering with my grandparents 
We are not gathering with my auntie 
For Christmas, I would like new sneakers because I like fashion.
I would like video games.
I would like a telephone.
Dear River and Yashvi,
For christmas, every year I go to my grandparents in the evening.With my family, we decorate the Christmas tree.
On the christmas tree, we put angels and stars. 
After, we come back home, we open the presents.
The day after, me and my sister, we tidy up our room and new presents.
But this year,
I am not going to my grandparents. With my family, we are not going to the mountains to ski.
I am not going shopping. I am watching Christmas movies I think.
For Christmas, I would like a camera because I love to take photos.
I’d like money to decorate my bedroom.
I would like cordless earphones too.
Dear Payton,
For Christmas ,every year I like to decorate my home and my bedroom
I cook biscuits.I eat with my family.In the evening, I prepare for Chrismas eve as soon as  8:00pm, I am with my whole family 
But this year, I am not seeing my whole family. I am probably watching tv.
I’m not preparing the meal for my family.
For Christmas, I’d like clothes because I like fashion.
Dear Aaryan
For Chrismas every year, i decorate my xmas tree and my home 
I cook biscuits.
In the evening, for Chrismas i go to my grand parents‘. 
I eat chocolate !
But this year, I am not doing  xmas at my grand parents‘.
For Christmas, I’d like dothes  because I like fashion 
I’d like a nintendo swich because i like playing video games.
I’d like sneakers because i like sneakers !
Dear Mia ,
For christmas, every year I go to my grandparents’  to celebrate it.  We open the presents in the evening. We come back home then.The 25th and 26th decembre there are friends of my parents too.
I decorate my chrismas tree. 
But this year, we are not going to my grandparents’ to celebrate christmas.
I am decorating my christmas tree but I am also watching T.V.  I am listening to music.
For christmas , I would like furniture because I’ d like to redecorate my bedroom.
I would like money to go shopping.
Dear  Mason and Mahmoud
For Christmas every year I decorate my Christmas tree and my home.
I celebrate it with my family. But this year is not possible with my grand parents.
i am probably watching tv, i am playing video games, and i am eating a good meal though.
i’d like lego hidden side because i collect them, a new ps4 controller and a nintendo switch.
Matheo D.
Hello Maysam and Fahad !
For Chrismas,every year, I have Chrismas at home in my family with friends of my parents too. My sister and i decorate the Chrismas tree. My fasther cooks the cake.
In france we do not have nutcrakers dolls as decoration.
But this year, We are celebrating only in family and not with friends of my parents.
My mother is not cooking a big dinner.
I am playing video games all night long I think !
My father is not cooking a cake.
I am watching videos on youtube  and netflix.
My parents are watching TV too.
I am not shooting confettis.
For Chrismas i’d like money for my computer games.
Maysam, I forgot to answer your questions : I do not have the ps4.I have already been to Disneyland.I have already eaten at McDonald‘s
Fahad  I forgot to answer your questions: I love the cats!!!
Paul Cannezin
Dear Aurora 
For chirtmas, I celebrate with my family, I decorate my house with a chirstmas tree .
My grand-father also celebrates christmas with us : we play and I cook wiht my grand-mother and my sister .
But this year I am celebrating christmas with my family except my grandparents...
And I am not playing with my family I am watching tv with my family ,and playing video game
But we are not going out .
For christmas, I would like led lights because I like the colors and plastic threads  because it’s a cool decoration on my bag
and candies to eat them !!!
Dear Alison and Sophia,
For chistmas in general
i open the presents with my family and I decorate my house and my front doo
But this year , we are not gathering with my family and we are not playing with my cousins because chistmas is not like last year with the covid 
i’m listening to music and i’m watching TV I think
For chismas, I’d like a horse because i love horse riding 
i would like clothes too !
bye !
Dear Chloe and Lila 
For christmas,every year I celebrate it  with my family .
I decorate my christmas tree with my parents and my brother and decorate my house with my mother.
We open presents before eating on the 25 th december.
But this year they are going to be less and we are opening less presents.
I am telephoning my family.
My parents are buying less presents.
I would like a”tablo Displate because I want to decorate my bedroom, a cup, money, a new pullover…
Bye !
Dear Sanuk and Joshua,
For Christmas, I’d like a racket of badmington because i like playing badmington. 
I would not like shorts and pullovers because i do not like clothes. 
I’d like a switch console set because i like playing video games. 
Iw ould not like books because i dont like to read. 
For christmas this year, we are not celebrating it with my family but I’m only going to my father’s and see my half brother who is 2 years old and see my half sister who is 1 year old !
Happy holidays !!

Dear Kole and Jayden,
Every year, we decorate the house for Christmas and I go to my grandparents’ with my cousins, my uncle, my aunt and my parents but this year I am only decorating the house and I am going to my cousins’. I am not seeing my grandparents for Christmas. For Christmas, I would like a bicycle outfit as a gift because I love to ride a bicycle and weight training equipment to work out and be stronger ! I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year, goodbye !  Iban

Le coquelicot

Bonjour nos amis! Au Canada, le 11 novembre est le Jour du Souvenir.

Nous avons dessiné des coquelicots pour honorer les soldats morts.

Est-ce que vous portez un coquelicot pour honorer les soldats aussi?


C’est important de porter un coquelicot pour le Jour du Souvenir parce que quand il y avait la Grande Guerre, les soldats tombaient sur un champ de coquelicots au Flanders Fields. Je veux dire que nous sommes reconnaissants pour la paix et pour la liberté. Le 11 novembre à 11h, on fait notre moment de silence. Aussi, nous disons “merci” aux soldats qui ont perdu leur vie pour donner la liberté au monde.  

Par Yashvi


Because of the coronavirus, we can’t have access to our lockers BUT we have decided to present them all the same ! Plan B : we have decorated shoe boxes and we are now ready to talk (in English) about our hobbies, favourite subjects and timetable ! Each video finishes by a question in French though. Can you answer them using the “laisser un commentaire” zone ? Anyway, be sure we will answer yours as soon as possible – by the way, thank you so much for your letters ! We looooooooooooooooved reading you 🙂























DYCLAN (sound only) :

LYZÉA and GABRIELLA apologize but they can’t send you any videos this time – they promise they’ll do it on the next project !

nos réponses à vos questions !




1) Est-ce que vous aimez vivre en France
Iban: j’adore vivre en France parce qu’il ne fait pas trop froid en hiver et on peut faire du sport toute l’année
Antoine:  j’aime bien habiter en France car il y a ma famille qui habite pas loin de chez moi
Louane:  j’aime bien vivre en France parce qu’on peut faire plein de choses
Marion: il y a plein d’endroits à visiter!
2) Au Canada nous avons un parc d´attraction qui s’appelle Canada’s Wonderland ! Avez-vous des parcs d´attraction ?
Paul Climent : nous avons plein de parcs d’attraction comme DisneyLand Paris, Walibi, le Futuroscope, le Park Astérix et plein d’autres.
Nelle:  On a des parcs d’attraction comme DisneyLand Paris (mon préféré), Le Futuroscope et plein d’autres que vous pourriez adorer ! REGARDEZ : Nelle
Paul Cannezin: on a le Puy du Fou.
Louane : il y a aussi la Cité de l’Espace à Toulouse et le zoo de Beauval. Le Parc Astérix et le Futuroscope!


JazzCHB / Pixabay

1) Est-ce que vous avez déjà visité la tour Eiffel
Paul Climent : Oui, j’y suis allé l’année dernière.
Baptiste: je suis déjà allé à la tour Eiffel, je suis monté tout en haut  
Côme: oui je suis déjà allé au 3ème étage et franchement ça fait trop peur.
Paul Cannezin: Oui, j’y suis allé quand j’avais 7 ans
Lucas : non je ne l’ai jamais visitée mais j’aimerais bien la voir un jour.
2) Est-ce que vous mangez souvent des baguettes ?
Nelle:  Evidement, c’est délicieux j’adore c’est la vie (surtout ceux qui sont tous moelleux !)
Paul Climent : Oui, bien sûr, mais mon pain préféré, c’est celui aux céréales.
Matheo Baudet: oui on mange du pain, mais moi mon préféré c’est les baguettes.
Iban: oui mais j’en mange surtout en sandwich
Lenaick: dans ma famille on ne peut pas manger sans baguette !
Lyzea et Julia: c’est essentiel pour nous!!!!
3) Est-ce que vous aimez le fromage
Côme: oui j’adore ça, mais bon après, c’est un peu écœurant quand on en mange trop.
Paul Climent : Mais oui oui oui !!! c’est trop bon !!! Mais moi, mon fromage préféré, c’est le fromage de vache.
Iban: oui j’aime bien ça mais ça dépend du fromage
Eléa : Oui j’adore surtout le fromage de chèvre
Julia: oui c’est tellement bon le fromage mais je n’aime pas trop le fromage de brebis
Léandre: Je mange du fomage tout les soirs
Paul Cannezin: Non je n’aime pas le fromage car ça sent mauvais.
Melyna: j’adore le fromage. Surtout le chèvre, la mimolette, le Babybel,…
Lucas : je ne suis pas trop fan de fromage.
Marion: OUI, surtout quand on les fait fondre !
Nelle: oui c’est trop bon surtout la raclette qui fond !!!
Laurinda: oui j’adore le chèvre fondu, c’est trop bon.
Lenaick: oui le fromage c’est trop bon surtout le fromage de chèvre ou le fleur d’ange avec des baguettes
4) Est-ce que vous aimez les macarons ?
Ayline: oui j’adore ça, à Bordeaux, ils en vendent plein, mon préféré, c’est chocolat-fraise-vanille 
Clemence: oui j’adore, mon  préféré, c’est ceux à la framboise
Luna: oui c’est très bon, c’est délicieux !
Eléa: j’adore les macarons surtout ceux à la vanille !!
Paul Climent : Mais oui, c’est trop bon, franchement, qui n’aime pas ça ?
Côme : ooooooouuui c’est trop bon, je préfère ceux au chocolat.
Melyna: j’adore tellement les macarons surtout ceux que ma maman fait à la framboise et au citron. C’est tellement bon !!!!!!
Lucas : je n’en ai jamais mangé !!
5) Est-ce que vous aimez les escargots?
Côme :  nononononononononononononono, c’est mauvais, enfin pour moi.
Luna : je trouve ça “pas bon” et je ne pense pas que ça se mange.
Antoine; oui j’adore les escargots c’est délicieux
Baptiste: j’en ai mangé quand j’avais 3ans je les ai mangés… CRUS !!
Ayline: oui c’est bon enfin je n’aime que les petits, les gros je n’aime pas
Nelle: NON, déjà que je n’aime pas les voir tout court, alors si je les mange je les recrache ensuite !
Julia et Lyzea: on n’aime pas trop pour la texture
Lucas et Elea : ahah, blague :
6) Est-ce que vous aimez le soccer (le football)
Luna : je pratique ce sport, c’est mon sport préféré, c’est plus qu’une passion 🙂
Paul Climent : Moi aussi j’en ai fait pendant 5 ans.
Paul Cannezin: oui j’aime jouer au football entre amis.
Dany: moi j’adore le football !
Mathéo Baudet :
7) Est-ce que vous apprenez à parler en anglais ?
Baptiste: OUI !!! c’est vraiment trop bien je n’ai que des bonnes notes 
Luna : oui c’est plutôt sympa comme langue !
Côme : oui j’adore l’anglais en plus on a une super professeur.
Julia: oui bien sûr, c’est trop bien l’anglais
Nelle: Ouais avec une super prof (mais aussi avec ma mère)
Marion: oui l’anglais c’est super bien !
LAISSEZ-NOUS DES COMMENTAIRES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bonne rentrée les correspondants !

On est les élèves de 5ème A et on va être vos correspondants cette année scolaire, on a hâte ! On a déjà travaillé sur le Canada, voici quelques-uns de nos chefs-d’oeuvre et on s’est même essayé à chanter pour retenir toutes les provinces et territoires :/

On vous envoie notre première lettre très vite. Read you soon !

Bonnes vacances les correspondants !

Avant de partir en vacances, on voulait vous montrer et vous expliquer comment on travaille depuis notre retour à l’école le mois dernier. On est en vacances vendredi prochain (3 juillet) et on espère vraiment que tout sera revenu à la normale en septembre ! D’ici là, prenez soin de vous aussi !

In France, we went back to school on June 2nd and we have new rules in order to respect ourselves and the others. For example, we must keep a 1-meter distance, that’s why in the playground, there are white crosses to respect it. We must keep our backpacks with us and not use the lockers anymore. We must wash our hands very often. We must keep our masks in the bus and at school too. We can only take it off at the cafeteria, so the days are very long and difficult.  (Lise, Elise, Célina)

At the canteen there are 3 shifts. We must respect the 1-meter distance. We wash our hands before and after the meal. There is one pupil at each table. There are 46 tables and chairs instead of 90 usually. Of course we can take our mask off while eating ! It’s not convenient because we have to “shout” to speak with our friends. Water is served for us. We must put on a new clean mask after leaving the canteen. Between each shift, the cleaning ladies clean the tables and chairs for the next pupils. (Chris, Yvanna, Clara, Lahora)

Yes, the cafeteria is very strange now ! At the entrance, we take our mask off and wash our hands with Purell. We take our tray and sit one by one at each table to respect a 1-meter distance. We wash our hands when we leave the place, put our mask on and wash our hands again. There is a new system to sort the food out when we are finished eating. There are 3 shifts. (Léo, Angelina, Justine, Mathis, Lola)

In class, we can wash our hands whenever we want with Purell (gel hydroalcoolique). Each table is 1 meter away from the other. We must keep our mask on. Doors and windows are open for fresh air and not to touch them. We can leave our backpack in the classroom. But we leave nothing on the table or chair every evening because the cleaning ladies clean it for the next day. (Thomas, Corentin, Sabine :))

Our last letters for the 2019-2020 school year…

Dear penfriends,
We have decided to send you our mascot Snowy, please take care of him ! We have also joined some “goodbye letters” hoping they will reach you soon.

Even if we couldn’t exchange the whole school year, we really wanted to thank you for being our penpals and everything we have learnt thanks to you.
Some of us gave you their (e)mail addresses in the letters, it would be great keeping up writing to each other, wouldn’t it ?
Enjoy the summer holidays despite the situation,
Vos correspondants français de 4°A !