Bonnes vacances les correspondants !

Avant de partir en vacances, on voulait vous montrer et vous expliquer comment on travaille depuis notre retour à l’école le mois dernier. On est en vacances vendredi prochain (3 juillet) et on espère vraiment que tout sera revenu à la normale en septembre ! D’ici là, prenez soin de vous aussi !

In France, we went back to school on June 2nd and we have new rules in order to respect ourselves and the others. For example, we must keep a 1-meter distance, that’s why in the playground, there are white crosses to respect it. We must keep our backpacks with us and not use the lockers anymore. We must wash our hands very often. We must keep our masks in the bus and at school too. We can only take it off at the cafeteria, so the days are very long and difficult.  (Lise, Elise, Célina)

At the canteen there are 3 shifts. We must respect the 1-meter distance. We wash our hands before and after the meal. There is one pupil at each table. There are 46 tables and chairs instead of 90 usually. Of course we can take our mask off while eating ! It’s not convenient because we have to “shout” to speak with our friends. Water is served for us. We must put on a new clean mask after leaving the canteen. Between each shift, the cleaning ladies clean the tables and chairs for the next pupils. (Chris, Yvanna, Clara, Lahora)

Yes, the cafeteria is very strange now ! At the entrance, we take our mask off and wash our hands with Purell. We take our tray and sit one by one at each table to respect a 1-meter distance. We wash our hands when we leave the place, put our mask on and wash our hands again. There is a new system to sort the food out when we are finished eating. There are 3 shifts. (Léo, Angelina, Justine, Mathis, Lola)

In class, we can wash our hands whenever we want with Purell (gel hydroalcoolique). Each table is 1 meter away from the other. We must keep our mask on. Doors and windows are open for fresh air and not to touch them. We can leave our backpack in the classroom. But we leave nothing on the table or chair every evening because the cleaning ladies clean it for the next day. (Thomas, Corentin, Sabine :))