INTRODUCING YOURSELF (Get to Know Me) – Corrigé

Corrigé de l’évaluation en 2 parties :

  1. Le corrigé
  2. Les activités de remédiation


EE (/16)CO (/20)
-Her name is –A2
-She is 35 (years old) –B1
-She was born on the 6th of October/ October 6th –B1
-She was born in Italy/ she is from Italy/ She is Italian –A2
-She lives in (the South West of) England -B1
-She is a teacher/ she works as a teacher (at university) –B1
-She teaches/ She has students/ her students are – A2
-he loves reading…, listening …, hiking (going for walks) B1+
* utilisation d’autres verbes = production bonifiée
-she doesn’t like/ dislikes/ hates A2-B1+
*utilisation d’autres verbes ou expressions (can’t bear/ can’t stand) = production bonifiée

– Georgia A2
– 35 years old A2
– 35 years old but soon turning 36 B1
– Italian A2
-lives in England A2
-in the South West of England B1
-in Exeter, in the South West of England B2
-near a very famous place/ region A2-B1
-near a very famous place/ region called Cornwall B2
-it’s beautifulA2
-beautiful cliffs and coast B1-B2
-she is a teacher/ at university A2-A2+
-She teaches Arabic at university B1
-majority of students is (English) (A1)-A2-B1
-but also French, Spanish (from Spain), German (from Germany), one or two Italian (from Italy), Turkish (from Turkey), and Japanese (from Japan) students A1-A2-B1-B2
-she loves reading and listening to music A2
-she enjoys reading, listening to music, go for walks/ hikes (in her free time) B1-(B2)
-she doesn’t like the English weather/ hates watermelon A2-B1
-she doesn’t like the English weather because she doesn’t like the cold (she likes the heat) and can’t eat watermelon A2-B1-B2


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