An English walking football referee came to the collège on 21st March to be interviewed by the 5b students.
The students of the secondary school of the Argentor interviewed Rob ROY for the week of languages.
Rob is a 61 years old computer expert. He designs websites and repairs computers.
Rob is a retired man who moved to Saint Gourson not long ago. He is married and has 3 daughters: Poppy, Amber and Freya who are grown-ups.
Rob came to France with his wife a few years ago. They bought a house in Saint Gourson to spent their retirement. 
He likes France and almond croissants but he misses English beer and Marmite (a spread, a bit like a chocolate spread but made with yeast)  
He likes to read, mostly science fiction or crime novels. 
He also likes art, like Dali and Banksy.
Rob introduced us to a new sport that might make you smile: Walking Football. 
He is an official international walking football referee. But what is Walking Football?
Walking Football was invented in 2011 in the UK. Unlike football, running, of course, is not allowed. 
There are also other rules that differ from the football you all know : You cannot tackle or make a head. 
The throw-ins are kicked not thrown! There are between 5 to 7 players in a team and the size of the pitch varies according to the number of players. The ball mustn’t go higher than the head. The goals are very small.