Jack Stalwart’s new adventures

Hi penpals ! We read and studied several books of the secret agent Jack Stalwart (https://www.jackstalwart.com/) and decided to write a new one taking place in … Canada of course !

We worked by groups of 3 or 4 but all the groups had to include the following words in their first chapters : Toronto, Blue Jays, bear, poutine and double double !

Now, we are waiting for you to finish our stories in French or in English, it’s up to you !

Enjoy your reading !


Maly / Chris / Mathis / Léo


Chapter 1 (by Mathis)

On the 14th February, Whizzy alerted Jack on a new case.

“ There is a problem,there is a problem “.
Jack half awake replied :
” What is the problem ?”
He said to him ” In Toronto, a man has disappeared !
Jack answered :
” Lots of people disappear in the world” .
“Yes but this one is someone important “
” Ok but who is it then ?“.
” He is Pascal Siakam, the famous player of the Toronto Raptors” , Whizzy told him.
” No ! how is that possible? “
He answered back to Jack :
” I don’t know how he has disappeared, you must help the GPF to find out.
” Ok I’m taking my plane ticket to Toronto !
Have a good trip ! Whizzy told Jack .
Arrived in Toronto, Jack went to the police station to ask them if they knew that Pascal Siakam had disappeared.
So Jack said :
” Hello sir, my name is Jack, I am a Secret Agent, do you know that Pascal Siakam has disappeared ? “
“Yes it is very sad news – and he had a NBA game tonight...” he said.
” Ah what is the game ? “
” The game is the Toronto Raptors versus the Memphis Grizzlies “.
they said to Jack.
And Jack asked :
” If I find Pascal before tonight can he play for the game ? “
they answered :
” Yes but the game is at 9 p.m. and Pascal must be found before 7 p.m. “
And Jack concluded :
” Ok it’s all for me, Bye Bye.”
The next morning Jack hadn’t found him yet but he was ready to do it.
Chapter 2 (by CHRIS)
First, Jack went to buy a double double to clear his spirit. There were so many people in Toronto. He thought Pascal could also have been  travelling all around the world with his wife. Jack started to visit Toronto… On his way, he met a student, her name was Sherry, she was very cool with him…  She told him that she went to the last match of Pascal, and he had won. But he was very stressed and anxious. He bought a poutine for Sherry to thank her. Then Jack went to the stadium but his mum phoned, and he answered :
“When will you be home ?” she asked.
“Not soon, I prefer to investigate on the disappearance” he added.
He went to the stadium to get information from some friends of Pascal. The stadium was so bigl and modern !
He spoke with a friend of Pascal :
“Where were you when Pascal went away ?” he asked.
” I was in my house with my wife and my children,” he added.
“And was Pascal anxious during his last match ?
“Oh no ! He was very cool and crazy,” He laughed out loud.
“Ok Ok … and was he a very good friend or did he act badly and strictly ?” He asked.
” Oh… He was cool with me. But I prefer his wife, she is very beautiful…”
“His wife ?” He accused him.
“Oh… I…I… I’m sorry, I mean, they’re a nice couple,” He hesitated.
” What is your name by the way?” He asked.
“Jean…Jean… Jean Philippe” He hesitated again.
Then, Jack went to a pub. By thinking at it again, he found Jean Philippe very weird
Chapter 3 (by MALY) 
Jack went to a restaurant to buy maple syrup food.
Jack questioned the bartender to find out if Pascal Siakam had already come to eat or drink in this restaurant.
” Hello sir have you already met Pascal in your restaurant ? “
” Hello, yes I saw him a week ago around 8 a.m.” 
 Then, he added : Pascal did not come alone. ” 
 “I see … do you know if it was a woman or a man?
 ” No I’m sorry.”
 ” Thank you for all this information. Contact me if you know a few more things. “
  “Yes do not worry. “
 “Bye bye.”
 Jack went then to meet  Pascal‘s coach.
 “Good morning sir, I am Jack, I’m investigating on the disappearance of Pascal Siakam who disappeared a week ago. ” 
 “What can i do for you ? “
 ” I’m going to ask you questions you just have to answer them. Have you seen Pascal recently ? “
He hesitated a few seconds before answering. 
 ” Two weeks ago ” 
” Where was it? “
” I saw him at the old basketball court. “
” Thank you for this information, bye bye. “
Chapter 4 (by Léo)
After having talked with 2 people already, Jack had no more ideas or clues. Jack saw that another player had volontarily left the basketball team. Jack wanted to see what was going on. Jack gave an appointment to Cyril, the player who had left the team in order to speak to him.
” Hello Cyril”
” Hello Jack “
“I would like to speak with you about Pascal ” Asked Jack.
” oh ! Yes… ” replied Cyril
” Jack was my friend, but we argued” Announced Cyril.
” Why ? “
” I discovered that weird things were going on between him and the sports administration but they saw that I had discovered that they were not honest, so I told Pascal about it wanting to help him but after this, he disappeared and I left my team because I felt unsecure . “
Woah, what was the problem with the administration ? “
“I can’t talk about it, you should infiltrate the administration”
“ok thanks Cyril, good bye”
Jack had to infiltrate the administration with one of his gadgets : the Transformation visuals given by the GPF. Jack went to the sports administration to search for clues. Jack saw the boss of the sports administration in the distance, and he had an idea. Jack took the Transformation visuals and changed his appearance so that he could interview the boss…
Maxence / Thomas / Corentin / Lahora
Chapter 1 (by Corentin)
Wizzy turned on and woke Jack up at night she spat a new destination on the ceiling
« What is the problem ?» Jack said.
« The problem is a human bear! We must arrest Doctor Aghamin because he has created a Monster » Wizzy said. 
« You must teleport me » Jack answered.
He used his Magic Map then he was teleported to Toronto. Jack was happy because for this mission he could use his Map Mate, his Motion Senor, his Decoder Language, his Honey Net and his Mega Taser.
The gadgets were for several uses.
Wizzy : to identify the next country of the next mission.
The Magic Map : to teleport Jack to the mission.
The Motion Senor: to receive a signal from any satellite.
The Decoder Language: to reveal any secret language.
The Honey Net: to attract villains.
The Mega Taser: the taser to fight the villains.
Jack met his first witness in the  biggest park of Toronto:
«How was the human bear you saw? » Jack said.
« I saw the monster , he is such a big monster »he said.
Apparently it is a human bear but since it was at night, I couldn’t see it really » he added.
« But what I know is that Aghamin mixed a substance of a human and of a bear in the Evil Lake » he concluded.
Chapter 2 (by Thomas)
“Ho it’s cold, it is very cold here”
Jack’s watch phone showed photos of the witnesses, there was Thao, he was big, he  had brown hair and he had brown eyes and there was Bob, he had got green hair and he had got red eyes.
Jack’s phone showed on his GPS where the witnesses were.
“It is easy”.
He started with Thao. He met him at CN tower in Toronto.
“hello my name is Jack”
“hello my name is Thao”
“Where can I find the Blue Jays to interview some players ?
“The Blue Jays train and live in the north of Toronto”
“Thank you very much Thao”
Jack went to the stadium. But there, he could not believe his eyes…
OMG, it is a bear!
When a voice told him behind him :
“They are robots” 
where from?
“Robots are from a lab”
“who created them?”
“It is Doctor Aghanim”
“But you what is your name”
“My name is Bob and you?”
“It ‘s Jack”
But he couldn’t really see the man who had just helped him because he immediately disappeared…
Jack went to look for Doctor Aghanim to solve this case.
Chapter 4 (By Maxence)
Jack had a new clue. But he didn’t know if this doctor was really the creator of the human-bears. It was very creepy for him. It was now night and Jack was hungry. He wanted to eat food with maple syrup. There was a fast-food in the street where Jack was now. He sat  down on a chair and waited. He  went to the desk to take his order because no one came. But he stopped because he saw a  mysterious person sat at the corner of the desk. He got closer to him, but he was stopped by a voice. This voice said :
“Jack. You are making a big mistake, HA HA! Go to the mountains.”
“But there are no mountains around 100 kms”, said Jack.
He ran outside the restaurant. But he fell down in a hole. Fortunately, he landed on snow. There was a long path. Jack thought that it was an imaginary world. Maybe this path led to infinity. He started to walk faster. It was very strange. But  Jack saw a shade in the sky. He now ran as fast as he  could ! But the shade, now facing Jack, started running after Jack...
Lise / Elise
Chapter 1 (by Lise)

It was almost 6:30 am, Jack Stalwart was reading a book when his watch pone rang. A new mission was waiting for him! At the same time, Jack’s mother went into his bedroom, and she gave documents for Jack. He opened them:

“What are these documents we’ve just received?” she asked. “They are photos. There is a body on one and on the other photo, there are a knife and footprints,”he answered.

“There is no explanation at all ?” she said surprisingly. “Yes, there is one indeed”, he said, “an explorer died last night and these are the clues found next his body.” After his mother left his bedroom, Jack looked at Whizzy. Whizzy gave the new destination to  Jack and it was Canada, Toronto. Jack loved Canada and he loved maple syrup too! He prepared his gadgets and he took the secret agent book bag, in which he put the 4 following gadgets : big ears – to listen to conversations-, night vision – to see through the night -, footprint researcher – to spy on people- and clue glasses – to find clues. He loved his gadgets especially the night vision. He was studying when his mother went into his bedroom again, and she asked him: “When are you leaving the house now exactly?”

“I think at 8:00 am”, answered Jack. “Okay, so bye and have a good time !” said Jack’s mother while leaving his bedroom.

When it was 8:00 am, Jack went next to his magic map and it immediately teleported him to Toronto.


Chapter 2 (by Elise)

Jack was a secret agent, always called to stop evil villains. He worked for the Global Protection Force. His code name for this new mission was KORET. The name of his brother was Max. Jack liked gadgets for each of his missions.



Célina / Maëlys / Sonia
CHAPTER 1 (by Sonia)
Jack was reading a book in his bed when he suddenty received a call from the GPF :
« Hello Jack, I have a new mission for you today » said the big boss.
« Good morning mister Barter, where should I go this time? » happily asked Jack.
« In Toronto because there is a bearsmuggling in Canada, and we think the culprits are in Toronto. » slowly said Gerald.
« Okay, I’m packing my things up » quickly answered Jack. He took his Identity book, it revealed people’s names, adresses,  jobs… 
He took his Protection watch that created a protection bubble and also an Ear flap that translated what animals said. His Magic map teleported him to Toronto. 
He arrived and discovered the city, the  weather was okay, so he just wore jeans and a jacket. Jack slept at a  hotel to get energy for the next hours of the day. The young detective  received a text message from the GPF that  said : 
« Another bear is missing, you need to hurry up ! We are sending you a new partner, his name  is William Ranger. Meet him in front of ‘’The world of Poutine‘’». 
He  jumped out of his bed and walked to the famous restaurant. Jack met  William, they talked about the smuggling, they exchanged informations… Then they decided to enter the restaurant.
“What do want to eat ?” asked Jack.
I do not know ” answered William.
“ok” said Jack .
A few minutes later a waiter took their orders :
” Hello what do want to order ?” 
” I‘ll take 2 menus with poutine, a double-double and beaver tails with extra maple syrup” said William with a shy voice .
William asked Jack :
I was told to go to the park”
” oh yes of course” Jack responded quickly.
So they left right after finishing their meals and the GPF boss called them.
” hello you must go to the new crime scene ” he said, he was angry .
 “oh where is the crime scene? “Jack asked.
 “in the forest! The Alconquin!
 “okay we‘ll get there soon, boss “
 ” good bye”
And Jack and William left for the forest.
Chapter 3 (by Maëlys)
Once arrived where the new bear had disappeared, Jack heard a noise.
Did you hear that ?’William asked.
Yes…’answered Jack.
Look down there.’William cried.
Aaaah a bear! RUN!’
A man suddenly came up behind the bear with a gun and shot at him but it was only to put him to sleep.
thanks man…’thanked Jack 
Francis Blear, but you can call me Francis what about you?’ He asked.
I’am Jack Stallwart’
And I’am William Ranger’
This bear should not be here!’said Francis.
We are investigating on bear disappearance you know
I’am the forest guard and it’s been a long time since i have seen a bear here. They have their own area but they are not supposed to hang around here where humans live. Well, I’m going to call a rescue team to take him to the zoo before putting him back where he should be. Good bye young people.’
Bye Francis.’
Suddenly, Jack saw something on the floor.
Jack grabbed it, it was a hat.
It’s awesome ! It’s a blue jays cap ! We should definitely meet them.’
Yes i have always wanted to go and see one of their matches said William.
And they went to a Blues Jay’s match.
Chapter 4 (By Maëlys)
At the end of the match they went to meet the blue jays team.
They met Matt Shoemaker and Jacob Wagespack. 
They let them know about their case :
‘We are investigating on the disappearance of bears.’
‘OH, yes, it’s been a long time since we haven’t seen bears in Toronto’ said Matt.
‘That’s why were here.’
‘We found a blue jays cap where we saw a lost bear back to the forest a few hours ago you know.’
‘Are you accusing us?!’He cried out.
‘I don’t…’
‘Come on, Jacob, let’s go.’
Mmmmh I wonder why Matt is mad like that.’ Jack told William.
‘I don’t know and what if we were going to see the bear at the zoo?William asked.
‘Good idea.’ said Jack.
 And they went to the zoo.
 Once there, Jack put his headset to translante the voice of the bear.
‘Hey ! can you understand me?’ he said to the bear.
‘Yes ! but how can you do that? Said the bear.
 ‘I have a gadget that allows me to understand you but i have a  question to ask you : do you remenber how you got there?’ He asked.
‘I was taken by people.’ the bear answered.
‘Do you remember what they were like?’
Yvanna / Lola / Mathys
Chapter 1 (by LOLA)
Jack went to the Toronto stadium to watch his friend playing. He played for the Blue Jays, his name was John. After the match, Jack asked him :
“Hey John, how are you ?”
John answered :
“Hey, I’m not very fine, Mr Zycrad, my coach, doesn’t come to train us very often these days, I’m not reassured, I don’t know what’s going on.”
Jack reassured him :
“don’t worry, are you sure ?!”
And john answered :
“No, no, no… I’m sure, really, I’m sure… To be honest,  I even followed him and saw him going into a lab.”
Jack said :
“Oh, I’ll see what I can do.”
John answered :
“thank you, bro, see you soon.”
Jack  went to watch his director, Jerry, to explain to him about John’s story. In his headquarters, the director gave Jack’s gadgets and  said :
“So, for this mission, you have : a gun of maple syrup, an invisibility cloak, a teleporting tool and a baseball ball. Your mission : You have to go through the stadium locker room with your cloak  of invisibility. Iin this locker room, search everywhere. You’ll find a  red button, press it, then the door to the lab will open up, but ONLY if  you give the code that you’ll also find in the locker room. For the rest,  I’ll give you the instructions later.”
Jack answered :
“Ok, thank you boss.”
In the evening, Jack was preoccupied by the rest of the instructions, so he went to eat a good poutine to cheer him up.
The next day, Jack received the final instructions on a letter from the director, which said :
Find the Blue Jays coach, put him to prison and let the b… free.
Jack said :
“Oh the last word is not clear, well, that’s okay, my mission starts now anyway…”
Chapter 2 (by Yvanna)
Jack followed the instructions and reached the lab where he found new clues. He discovered bear cages. When he approached one of the cages,  a bear grunted him after , so he left.
He went to see John to let him knwo about his discovery.
” yes what that’s going on?
Jack told him:
“come with me, I’ll tell you at the bar, let’s order a poutine and a double double.”
Then Jack explained what he sad seen:
“So i discovered a laboratory while looking for your coach and I found bears in cages and pictures of more bears very rare.
John  was surprised his coach would have something to do with rare bears, so he asked him to interview his coach’s wife to see if she knew more information…
Chapter 4 (by Mathys)
On the following day, Jack watched a new game of baseball between the Blue Jays of Toronto and N Jackals. The score was tight there was equality when he saw a baseball ball coming towards him so he threw his own  baseball ball against this very ball. The ball fall in front of him and he picked up the balls and he saw there was a message on the one of the match. The message read an appointment :
Time and place: at 7:30 pm behind the stadium
He went behind the stadium as expected…
Coraline / Loane / Simon
Chapter 1 (By Simon)
Whzzy sent a new mission to Jack.
«  Jack,I have a new mission for you. Mr Jones has disappeared, he is a  player of the Blue Jays. He disappeared before his last match. I have a message  from the team of baseball.»
Whizzy showed the message to Jack:
«Jack! Jack! Help us!!! A player of our team has disappeared. Help us!
Whizzy went on talking:
«Jack, go to Toronto to arrest the criminal.»
Jacks answered:
«I am going to speak to the team.»
Five seconds later, Jack was teleported to Toronto. Behind the stadium, he found a T-shirt, it was Mr Jones‘s. But it smelt the forest so Jack decided to go to the forest to find Mr Jones.
Chapter 2 (By Coraline)
Jack called his boss because once in the forest, he found hair and a piece of the t-shirt he had that belonged to a human body who probably died in the forest.
He inspected with his equipment and thought that  the victim had been eaten by a bear. He had to capture the bear so that they couldn’t kill anymore anyone !
Jack thought of luring the bear with maple syrup because bears love sugar. So he went to buy maple syrup at the supermarket and went back to the forest.
Chapter 3 (By Loane)
 Jack began to install the trap where he found the hair.
Suddenly Jack heard something in the forest. Jack  heard an animal run away, he saw it was a bear.
Jack decided to put  the trap again to catch the bear. But it didn’t show up.
The next morning, Jack went and drank coffee with eggs and bacon at the nearest motel
There, he could hear 2 people speak about bears…
Clara / Noémie / Angelina / Justine
Chapter 1 (by Noémie)
Whizzy called Jack Stalwart, the detective of the Global Protection Force.
He had new gadgets for his mission : The hypno-disc , the invisible cloak ,the
Flyboard, the Magic Key maker and the Ear Amp.
Whizzy had a new missin for him : in Canada, in Torronto.
A baseball player had disappeared and Jack had to find him.
Jack took the plane.
9 HOURS LATER, he finally arrived in Canada then he took the train to go to Torronto.
WhenJack got there, he ate some poutine because he had always dreamt of
The player who had disappeared was part of the Blue Jays team :
His name was Travis Shaw. He was 29 years old. He was 1.93 meters tall.
Chapter 2 (by Angelina) 
Jack called the Blue Jays team manager to find more information on Travis Shaw who had disappeared a few days ago.
To find him Jack would have to use some of his gadgets :
    -the hypno-disc
    –the invisible cloak
    –the magic Key Marker 
    –the Ear Amp 
But he was also given a Watch Phone to analyse people’s DNA.
Chapter 3 (by Clara)
Jack went to search in the house of Travis Shaw.
When he arrived in front of his house, he found the house strange because there was light, whereas Travis lived alone.
Jack decided to go into the house.
In the hallway, there was a box, so Jack decided to open the box.
Jack found 2 clues: Travis Shaw‘s baseball and a jersey with a little blood on it.
Jack decided to keep the jersey to detect fingerprints.
With his watch phone, he could analyse the fingerprints, he discovered they were Chase Anderson‘s…

Happy New Year !

MAKY_OREL / Pixabay

A short message for the new year ! One more time, spot our mascot !

Et dans la continuité de notre chapitre sur Londres, des élèves ont improvisé des petits dialogues qu’on pourrait entendre à l’arrivée dans cette capitale européenne – peut-être vous donneront-ils envie de la visiter au même titre que la nôtre, Paris ? Vous serez aussi les bienvenus chez nous, à Montguyon 🙂 Merci à Maxence, Lahora et Lola pour cet exemple :

Nos jeux pour changer le monde!

Salut nos correspondants! Nous avons créé des jeux avec Scratch pour encourager les enfants à réduire le montant de plastique qu’ils utilisent. Voulez-vous les jouer?

Sebastian et Seyar: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/340944033/

Gaby, Carmen, Gwen: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/340941681/

Kate et Bella: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/342489487/

Marissa, Sherry, Zainab: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/342928355/

Evan, Michelle et Aislynn: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/343855235/

Ryleigh et Emily: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/346799756/

Carys, Rebecca, Olivia: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/342926654/

Tyler et Zachary: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/343857000/

Wyatt, Rhys, TJ: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/342932013/

Rayna, Katie, Claire: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/343311281/

Owen et Brady: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/346800897/

Abécédaire Londonien et Parisien !

geralt / Pixabay

Après avoir travaillé sur Londres en classe, nous avons décidé de réaliser un abécédaire (en anglais) mais d’essayer de trouver pour chaque lettre, l’équivalent à Paris (en français pour vous!). On espère que vous aimerez notre visite alphabétique et … comme d’habitude, que vous trouverez notre mascotte Snowy !


PS : we are sending our answers to your previous post as soon as next week !

Jockvale Answers Your Questions

We have answered your questions! Enjoy!

————————————————– ——————–

Dear Sonia,
Thanks for your letter! Yes, I will be your penpal. I do not speak french easily. The three oceans that surround Canada are Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Ocean. How many countries have you been to? How many languages ​​do you speak? Have you been to the tower before? It’s my dream to visit the Eiffel Tower.

Your penpal,



Dear Angelina,

Thank you for the letter. I know what tiktok is. What’s your tik account if you have one? In fact that is what one of my favorite things to do (is going on tik tok).
What is your favorite food? What’s your favorite color mine is purple. What is your favorite thing to do? Have you been to any different countries?




Dear Clara,

Thank you for your letter.I do not like tik tok at all, sorry but I really do not. I do not know if I like horror movies, but I really like Halloween movies because there funny. I have Netflix but I do not do anything with it.




Dear Leo,

Thank you for your letter. When I grow up I want to be an artist. Do you like to go fishing? What kind of fish are in France? What is your favorite food?




Dear Yvanna,

Hi how are you? Hopefully good. Thanks for the letter. It is 8.6 degrees celsius in Nunavut.

Yes I agree to be your penfriend. What is the food like in France? What kind of animals do you have in France? What is there to do in France? What is your school like? Do you have any pets? Do you like hiking? Do you like doing math? Do you like sweets? Do you like to dance? Do you like rugby? Do you like dogs?




Dear Lahora, 

Hello! Thank you for your question. I have a few passions maybe around 3 or something like that. My most important passion is gymnastics. I’ve been doing gymnastics for 6 years including this year. I was reading the “let’s introduce ourselves” and I noticed that you’re 13, I’m only 9. I speak 3 languages: they are English, Chinese and a little bit of French. What language (s) do you speak? How’s your weather in France because of Canada? 




Dear Thomas,

Thanks for the AMAZING letter! You were correct when you did the 2 truths and 1 lie! I LOVE soccer (American football). What is the weather like in France? What is your favorite food, because mine is Crepes with Nutella and Fruit and French Fries! What other sports do you play? Do you have any siblings because I do not. Have you ever visited other countries?




Dear Justine, 

Thank you for your letter!

What is the weather like where are you? I heard that France really likes football. What’s your favorite sport? Luke he’s 13 years old. I do not have a dog right now I’m getting one soon. It’s gonna be a Bernese Mountain Dog. Do you have a pet?

I hope to hear from you again!



Dear Elise,

Thank you for your letter Elise. I sort of like drawing. I used to love coloring but not really anymore. What’s your favorite sport? Do you like sports? What is your favorite thing to do? If you like hockey, can you tell me your favorite team? 

Canada’s actually 152 years old! Have you ever been to Canada? I’ve been to France and I have noticed that France has a lot of old castles and castle walls. 

Do you want a cool craft to do? I was one in class and it was making 3D drawings that can fool your eyes. I will give you the site for the two we did. The following are,



After tell me if you like them and if you have any cool drawing instructions can I try them?




Dear Pierrot

 Hi, thank you for the question and we don’t literally eat real beavers tails it’s just the name. Also we do eat snow with maple syrup. I love the mascot it is really cool! I have some questions for you Pierrot.   Do you like to draw? Does it snow in france ?  

Your new penpal,



Dear  Corentin,


Yes Corentin, I absolutely love dogs. I also have two dogs at my house. I have two Australian Labradoodles. What is your favourite type of animal? I hear there are a lot of kinds of cheese in France. Do you like to eat cheese? What is your favourite kind? I like Brie. 

What is your first subject of the day?  What is your favorite subject?  What types of holidays are there?

Here in Ottawa the weather is getting colder. In winter it will be very cold and we will have lots of snow. In spring and autumn we get lots of rain. In the summer it is very hot and humid here. 

Your penpal,


Dear Lise,

Thank you for your letter/questions. My favorite animal is a fox but to be honest I love all animals. What is your favorite sport? Do you play any sports? How many languages do you speak? 

In Canada we have 4 seasons: summer, spring, fall, winter. My favorite season is summer.



Dear Celian 

Thank you for questions. My favourite animals  are dogs. What is the weather like in France? How many languages do you speak? What are your 

school  times? Do you have any pets? What are your favorite things to do? 

From TJ

Dear Louis,

Thank you for your letter. I don’t really like baking. I only like baking cookies. I have a question: Do you have siblings? I do. I have one sister and one brother. Is it beautiful there in France? Is the food there  yummy ? What is your favourite food? I have to a Tik Tok account. Do you play Roblox? In Canada it’s raining .



Dear, Mathys


Hello, my name is Sebastian, I am ten years old. Thank you for your question. To answer it my favourite video game is called Minecraft. It is a game where you spawn some place in a world made of cubes and you have to mine, craft things, build, kill “mobs” and survive. My favourite foods include pizza, samosas, milk, ice cream, cookies, cake and pie. I know English, French and a few words in spanish and chinese. I’ve been to Dominican Republic, Jamaica, the USA and of course… Canada!!! We have 2 lunches and 2 recesses. I love swimming so much! Here in Ottawa it is getting cold. What about in Montguyon, is it cold or hot? Do you play Minecraft? How many countries have you been to? How many languages do you know?

I heard you had a 2 week holiday a few days ago, how was it? I celebrate Christmas, Halloween and Easter! For school we get 2 weeks off for Christmas, a week off for march break (which is like Spring break) and the monday after Easter off. Well that’s all for this letter then!!!

Your penpal,


Dear Maxence,

Greetings and Salutations! Thank you for your letter. Yes I do like badminton and I don’t exactly like ping pong, although I do love video games!! My top three favourite video games are # 1 Cash. Ink # 2 Monster Legends # 3 Subway Surfers. Now I will ask you some questions. First of all, what are your holidays? One more question… do you like bordenball?  I want to know some stuff about your province. What can you do in France when you have free time? 

Another question, what is one place that is famous? 

Sincerely, Zachary

Dear Maly, 

Thank you for the questions. I have some answers and some other questions. You asked me what kinds of sports do I like to play. well my favorite sport is curling I do it on Sundays but I personally don’t think once a week is enough. 

Have you ever traveled outside of France?I have traveled outside of Canada a couple times but mostly only to the United States,Michigan.   

Here are some things about Canada: Sometimes in Canada the temperature is too hot to go outside and sometimes it is too cold to go outside, Canada is the second biggest country in the world, we don’t drink a lot of double doubles. 

    Please write back!!          From Olivia

Deer Killian  


 Thank you for the letter. You were right We do have  places where we speak more French than English. Once I went to a place that had three cats. Do you have a lot of friends ? I do. What do you do for fun?  What places have you been to?

I like all animals. In Canada, we have lots of animals. I want to see the Eiffel tower.            



Dear Nioemie,

 Thank you for writing these questions. I do not know what tik tok is,can you explain it? How old are you? Where have you travelled? What are your favourite animals?



Dear Simon

Thank for your letter, and your questions. I appreciate the curiousness. For the 2 Truths and 1 Lie, question 2 was not the lie! It was number three, but good guess. Yes I would like to be penpals with you! To answer your question, no I do not motorbike, but my cousin does, but not professionally. I wonder, do you motorbike? Motorbiking is pretty cool I guess. Is it usually hot in France or cold? In Canada it’s usually hot. What kind of video games do you play? I play Minecraft and Fortnite, Minecraft is a survival game where you spawn on an island, you have to build, create and survive. I guarantee, anything you think of you can build. Fortnite is a game where you shoot and build. There’s no blood, so family friendly. You use the building mechanic to cover fire, it’s a fun game. I ́m not encouraging you to be like me, but you can play these games if you chose to. My favorite food is pizza and burgers. I don’t really have a sweet tooth. That’s the food I like to eat. I have been to a lot of countries. 

I heard your weekdays are longer than ours, our weekday only lasts 7 hours. I’m pretty sure why you have more holidays. Well I’m going to have to end this letter because im running out of ideas, it was a pleasure writing this letter.



Dear Maëlys,

Thank you for the letter and the nice questions you asked me. My real name is Gwenyth, not Gwen. My favorite animal is a gorilla. How many siblings do you have? I have three. Does it get really hot in France? Here in ottawa it gets really hot. 

From your new penpal,


Dear Chris, 

Hello! Thank you for your letter that was very nice of you.

My favorite sport is gymnastics. I’m also a dancer. I like Bordenball. It is like Handball you have 3 seconds to pass, 3 passes and 3 steps and it has a Hockey net. Is it hot in France? In Canada it is cold in the winter but warm in summer. What is your favorite food? My favorite food is ice cream. My mom is a baker and dad works at a mall. Where do your parents work?



Dear Loane,

Greetings and salutations! Thank you for your letter! I would like to tell you that you…got…. it…. WRONG!!!!! Canada can be as cold as mars! The lie is that Canada is the coldest place in the world! How old are you? Now it’s time to answer some QUESTIONS!!!! I kind of like to speak french but I don’t hate it learning french though. French is easier to learn than chinese and if you’re wondering why I learn Chinese is because my parents are Chinese so I am chinese to, even though I was born in Canada. I am wondering, how does your school work and do you have a free period? What do you do on a regular day and is France hot? I would be very happy if you replied with the answers to my questions!

Here in Ottawa it is not up north where it’s super cold. It is pretty warm in the summer sometimes I can’t take the heat when I get in the car on a hot day in the winter it is not as cold in places more up north an it can jump from -10° to -1° in 2 days. In Ottawa there is no polar bears and we don’t live in igloos like people who live in different places far from Canada think because its too hot in Ottawa for that all year around. Anyways that wraps it up for today! Goodbye!



P.s. I’m sorry I wrote a lot.

Dear Maiya,

Hello, thank you for your letter. School is okay because I dont like division. Do you like school? What do you do in France for a daily life. Like what time does your school start and when does it end. what do you eat what is your favourite food. What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend. Do you play any sports on the weekend like me.   



Dear Coraline,

Hello,Thank you for the letter!I would say I am pretty strong.Also yes I do love speaking french.Is it super cold in france in the winter?I love sledding in the winter do you?I love sports do you?If you do love sports what sports do you play I know a lot of people in your class like football.do you have any siblings?Also I know you asked what I do after school and on monday I have something called girl guides. what is your favorite color or colors?Also what is your favorite animal or animals?Also when is your birthday and what color birst stone do you have?Do you have a phone?



Dear Mathis,

Hi! I’m Marissa and I want to say thank you for the letter. My favorite football team is toronto FC. I love them but they are not the best. I also play fortnite and NBA 2k 16. What is your favorite video game? How many languages ​​do you know? I know Spanish, French, English, Italian.My favorite color is orange.What is yours?



Dear Lola,

It is nice to know your penpal. It’s an honor to be your penpal and I’m very excited to get to know you.Thank you for your letter and question.I will gladly tell you the answers for my favorite sport. I’m very active and I love doing sports in the world, but my favorite sport is taekwondo. Do you do boxing training? I actually did it before and it was good. Also I got boxing gloves for free from my sensei. I really love the sport but I still like all of the sports in the world. Nunavut is cold but it’s like -50 ° C because you probably already know it’s close to the north atlantic so it is freezing there. How cold is it in France usually because Canada snows so much and sometimes it’s -45 degrees C.

We have 4 seasons so it’s super hot or so cold so it depends on the season. Everyday it’s a mystery because it was so hot it was so long ago. Today it’s about -1 degrees but it’s november. I really want to go to a hotter place because it can decrease by a lot like -40 degrees. I do not understand our weather. They do not really know the right or wrong answer but sometimes they get it right the first time. 



Dear Julien,

Thank you for your letter. I do not know what motocross is. What is motocross? What types of animals do you have in France?




School menus slams !

Hans / Pixabay

Voici les menus pour les repas de la cantine de cette semaine :

school menus

Les élèves de 4èmes, inspirés par le Food Slam du livre étudié en classe (Welcome to Star School, M.Morgan, ed.Paperplanes), ont décidé de réaliser des raps/slams pour chaque jour. Lequel préférez-vous ? Votez en laissant votre réponse dans la partie “Commentaire” de l’article. May the best team win !

Monday :

Tuesday :

Wednesday (packed lunch – before extra-PE, called “AS” Association Sportive here) :

Thursday :

and Friday :

Enjoy !

Nos réponses à vos devinettes :)

geralt / Pixabay

Merci beaucoup pour votre dernier post !! On a beaucoup aimé découvrir votre quiz ! Voilà nos réponses et quelques questions supplémentaires 🙂     


Dear Sherry, Olivia et Marissa
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que la réponse numéro 2 est un mensonge
parce que c’est impossible que des ours polaires se mêlent à un trafic routier.
2) d’ailleurs, on se demande : est ce que, au Canada, on peut voir des ours polaires partout dans la nature ?
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!
Maly pour Olivia : qu’est ce que tu aimes faire comme sport ? Moi j’adore le sport !
Mathis pour Marissa : moi mon équipe de foot préférée est Manchester United – et toi quel est ton club de foot préféré ?
Chris pour Sherry : moi je fais du foot mais aussi de l’athlétisme… Je suis champion de la Nouvelle-Aquitaine (c’est une région de France) – Est-ce que tu aimes faire un sport en particulier ?
Dear Katie et Michelle
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que la phrase numéro 2 est un mensonge 
parce que nous avons regardé sur internet et nous avons vu le Canada touche les Etats-Unis et l’Alaska 
2) d’ailleurs, on se demande combien fait-il de degrés à Nunavut (géneralement) ?
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!
Lola pour Michelle : j’aime beaucoup le handball et j’adore la boxe et toi, quel est ton sport préféré ? 
Yvanna pour Katie : j’aime passer du temps avec mes amis est aussi avec ma famille – et toi, qu’aimes tu faire?
Dear Gaby, Evan et Zach
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que c’est la numéro 2 la mauvaise information 
parce que mon correspondant canadien de l’année dernière (Eric Manley) adore le hockey sur glace !
2) d’ailleurs, on se demande : est-ce-que vous faites du hockey sur glace vous ?
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!
Maxence pour Zach : j’adore les jeux vidéos et le badminton et le ping pong. Et toi , aimes-tu le badminton, les jeux vidéos et le ping-pong ?
Thomas pour Gaby : j’aime les jeux vidéos, le ping-pong, le badminton, le handball et le football américain. Et toi, aimes-tu le football américain même si c’est américain ?
Corentin pour Evan : j’aime les chiens, et toi, est-ce que tu aimes les chiens ? j’en ai 2 à la maison, un bulldog français et un berger allemand-malinois
Dear Emily, TJ, Gwen
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que le numero 2 est la phrase mensonge
parce que les autre reponses nous semblent vraies même si on a trouvé sur internet que vous mettiez du sirop d’érable parfois sur la viande
2) d’ailleurs, on se demande est-ce que vous le faites vraiment vous ? ou sur quels autres aliments ?
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!
Lise pour Emily : quel est ton animal préféré ? Moi, je préfère les chouettes et j’ai un chien, un chat, un cheval, une tortue et beaucoup d’autres.
Maëlys pour Gwen : Gwen c’est ton prénom entier ou c’est  un diminutif ? j’aime les animaux, surtout les chiens et les chats – et toi, tu aimes les animaux ?
Celina pourTJ : TJ, c’est l’initial de quoi ? moi, mon animal préféré c’est le lapin et toi ? 
Dear Sebastian, Zainab et Claire
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que c’ est la reponse 2 qui est fausse – on a raison ?
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!
Mathys pour Sebastian : Quel est ton jeux vidéo préféré ?
Killian pour Claire : j’aime les chats et toi, est-ce que tu aimes les chats ? j’en ai 2 à la maison, ils s’appellent Rox et Rooky
Louis pour Zainab : est-ce que tu aimes cuisiner ?
Dear Carys, Wyatt et Aislynn
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que  la mauvaise réponse est la numéro 2
parce que le Canada a 259 ans, non ?
2) d’ailleurs, on se demande : quels sont les noms des trois océans qui l’entoure ?
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!
Elise pour Carys : est-ce que tu aimes dessiner ?
Maiya pour Wyatt : aimes-tu l’école ?
Sonia pour Aislynn : est-ce-que tu parles français facilement ?
Dear Carmen, Seyar et Rhys
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que la réponse fausse est la numéro 2
parce que je trouve ça vraiment étrange de manger de la neige – ça n’a pas de goût !?
2) d’ailleurs, on se demande : est-ce que c’est bon le castor ?
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!
Pierrot pour Carmen : c’est ma maman qui a fait les habits pour notre mascotte, est-ce que tu l’aimes ?
Simon pour Seyar : est-ce que tu fais de la moto?
Julien pour Rhys : est-ce que tu aimes le motocross ?
Dear Bella, Rebecca et Brady
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que le mensonge c’est le numéro 2  
parce que le Canada est le 2ème plus grand pays du monde et qu’il neige tous les ans au Canada
2) d’ailleurs, on se demande quel est le premier sport joué au Canada ?
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!
Clara pour Brady : As-tu un compte tik tok ?
Angelina pour Bella : Qu’est ce que tu aimes faire ? As- tu un compte tik tok?
Néomie pour Rebecca : Est-ce que tu aimes tiktok ?
Dear Kate, Rayna et Owen   
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que le mensonge est qu’il y a “15 millions de vaches au CANADA” car il y en a 2.4 millions (on a cherché sur internet 🙂
2) d’ailleurs, on se demande si c’est vrai que les lézards vous impressionent ? parce que nous, en été, on en a partout, on peut en attraper très facilement !
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!  
Lahora pour Rayna : combien as-tu de passions et laquelle est la plus importante pour toi? 
Justine pour Kate : as-tu des frères et soeurs et d’animaux de compagnie ?
Léo pour Owen : que voudrais-tu faire plus tard comme métier ? 
Dear Ryleigh et Tyler
Merci pour vos devinettes !
1) On pense que le mensonge est “au Canada ça peut être aussi froid que la planète mars” car sur la planète MARS la temperature et de environ -112 degrés !
2) d’ailleurs, on se demande s’il fait TRES froid au Canada ?
3) est-ce que vous êtes d’accord pour être nos penfriends à nous ? Dans ce cas, voici d’autres questions auxquelles on voudrait bien que vous répondiez dans un nouvel article avec des nouvelles photos ou dessins pourquoi pas ? Merci beaucoup !!!
Loane pour Tyler : est ce que tu aimes parler français ?
Coraline pour Ryleigh : est-ce que tu es forte (fluent) ou pas en français? qu’aimes-tu faire après l’école ?
A bientôt pour vos réponses !

Le Canada: 2 vérités et 1 mensonge!

Salut nos correspondants!

Nous avons créé un petit jeu pour vous! Nous avons écrit 1 mensonge et 2 vérités par groupe par rapport au Canada. Quand vous devinez le mensonge, n’oubliez pas d’en parler avec des groupes ou des partenaires pour confirmer quelle phrase est le mensonge! Nous espérons que vous vous amuserez! 

1 mensonge et 2 vérités.
Par: Sherry, Olivia et Marissa.

  1. Au Canada il y a beaucoup de magasins avec du café et du chocolat chaud comme Tim Hortons ou Starbucks.
  2. A Toronto il y a des ours polaires qui marchent dans les rues et s’en mêlent avec le trafic.
  3. Le Canada est le deuxième le plus grand pays du monde.

  1 mensonge et 2 vérités.
Par: Katie et Michelle

  1. Le pôle nord est situé au Canada et c’est très froid comme Nunavut (parce que Nunavut est dans le pôle nord).
  2. Le Canada n’a pas un autre pays qui est connecté parce que c’est un grand pays.
  3. Le Canada est le deuxième plus grand pays au monde.

Les 2 Vérités Et Un Mensonge

 Par: Gaby, Evan et Zach! 😀

  • On a 10 provinces au Canada et trois territoires (Les territoires sont: Nunavut,Yukon et les Territoire du nord ouest).
  •  Le  Football est le sport national du Canada.  
  • Le Canada a 3 niveaux de gouvernement! Les niveaux sont: fédéral, municipale et provincial.

2 vérités et 1 mensonge

Par: Emily,TJ,Gwen

  1. On ne boit pas seulement les double double. On boit le chocolat chaud et le café aussi.
  2. On met le sirop d’érable sur toute notre nourriture.
  3. Le Canada est le deuxième plus grand pays au monde.

2 vérités et un mensonge

Par: Sebastian, Zainab et Claire

  1. Au Canada on mange les queues de castors. 
  2. Au Canada on n’a pas d’endroit où on parle plus de langues que le français et l’anglais. 
  3. On a les élections le 21 octobre.

2 vérités et 1 mensonge

Par: Carys, Wyatt et Aislynn

  1. On commande toujours les double-double au restaurant.
  2. Le Canada a maintenant 152 ans.
  3. Canada a trois différents océans qui l’entour.

2 vérités et 1 mensonge

Par: Carmen, Seyar et Rhys

  1. A Ottawa, on chasse les castors pour les manger. On coupe les queues de castor et après on les frit pour en manger.           
  2. Au Canada on aime manger la neige avec le sirop d’érable car c’est délicieux. Quand c’est l’hiver, on ramasse la neige et après on met le sirop d’érable sur la neige.
  3. Les phoques traversent les rues du Point-Barrow. Parfois, les phoques peuvent faire arrête les autos.

2 vérités et 1 mensonge

Par Bella, Rebecca et Brady

  1. Le Canada est le deuxième plus grand pays au monde!!?
  2. Le hockey était le premier sportjoué au Canada!✌
  3. Il neige tous les années!❄

Deux vérités et un mensonge

Par Kate, Rayna et Owen                                     

  1. Ottawa a déjà la neige en septembre.          
  2. Canada a 15 millions vaches.               
  3. Canada a inventé le basketball en 1891.

Deux vérités et un mensonge

Par Ryleigh et Tyler

  1. L’endroit le plus froid au monde dans l’hiver est au Canada.

     2. Au Canada ça peut être aussi froid que la planète mars.

     3. Le Canada est plus grand que l’Union Européenne.


Let’s introduce ourselves !

C’est l’heure des présentations ! Qui veut correspondre avec qui ? Pour vous aider, nous nous sommes regroupés par “clique” selon nos centres d’intérêts 🙂 Et encore une fois, à vous de retrouver notre mascotte !!

Hello my name is Maly. I am friendly,interesting and amusing.I like chocolate very much.I’m crazy about swimming.I love english.I like to do the cooking.I don’t like baseball .I don’t love broccoli.I hate going to school because it’s not very funnny .I enjoy FOOTBALL so much because it’s so funny , because I must run,it’s a team sport,it’s my passion ,I like to have the ball and I feel good while playing football.
Hello I am Chris ,I’m very crazy,patient,nice but I’m very talkative.I love music and athletics,I enjoy football,I’m crazy about swimming and I like drama very much.But I hate baseball,I’m not very fond of drawing,Idon’t like doing my homework and I hate getting up early.With my friends ,we love football because it’s so fun and cool.We must participate because it’s a cooperative sport.We must run to take the ball.We feel good while playing football.We love to have the ball to shoot it.I already have had a reward because I have played in a tournament.
Hello my name is Mathis,I am 12 years old .I am funny,friendly and sometimes stubborn.I am crazy about football because I feel good while playing football.I love football because it’s my life for me.My favourite football team is Manchester United and my favourite football player is Daniel James.To finish with football I play in a club and my position is forward .I like meat very much because I eat every day meat and my father is a butcher.I love video games because video games relax me,now I play Fifa 20,fortnite and NBA 2k20.I like basket ball because it’s interesting and my favourite basketball team is Los Angeles Lakers for their history and there are Anthony Davis and LeBron James in it.
Maly has got blond hair, she has got a green, white and purple jacket, she is tall.
Mathis has got brown hair, he has got a blue and red jacket, he is small compared to Mathis. Chris has got brown hair, he has a black jacket, and a blue t-shirt. He is tall compared to Mathis.
Hello, my name is Maxence and I am in 4th grade. I am nice, intelligent, interesting and creative but I am not organised, not funny and bad tempered. I love badminton, I am crazy about video games, I enjoy eating red meat  and I like watching a football match very much but I hate rugby, I hate waiting, I can’t stand going to the dentist’s and I don’t really like to relax. I am crazy about video games because it’s funny, I meet French and English friends, I can play with my school friends and my family. I play 1 hour every wednesday, I play 3 hours at weekends and I play 1 hour every day during the holidays. I like playing Fortnite and Splatoon.
Hello,my name is Thomas.I am 12 years old. I like video games very much because it’s funny, it’s interesting and cool. I don’t like brussel sprouts. I am crazy about handball and badminton. I am interested in school.I hate football and baseball.
Hello my name is Corentin. I am funny. I am crazy about playing football. I love playing video games because I like to win and I love to play with  my friends. I play GTA and Call of duty.
Maxence has blond hair. Maxence is little between the two pupils.
Thomas has blond hair. Thomas is of average height .Thomas has blue eyes.
Corentin has brown hair. Corentin is tall.
Hello my name is Killan i am 14 years old, i am amazing and interesting . I hate football. I am crazy about playing videos games. I am crazy about playing videos games because it’s cool,great and amazing. I always play .I play outlast,fortnite and minecraft.
I enjoy running. I Can stand tomatoesbut i love carrots i dont like getting up early . I like coca cola very much. I hate fish. I hate going to the dentist‘s. I dont like my dentist because he hurts and it is degusting.
Hello my name is Louis i am intelligent, creative and very friendly but i am very very talkative  and excited. I am crazy about playing video games because it is very funny. I hate spinach because it is disgusting.
Hello my name is Mathys. I am not positive.I am crazy about playing video games because this is interessing and i love killing people in the games . I love playing football.
Killian has black hair and brown eyes.
Louis has black hair and brown eyes and he has glasses.
Mathys has brown hair and has brown eyes. 
Hello,i’m celina, i am 13 years old , my birthday is 3th of  septembre. My favorite color is purple . I like video games because it ‘ s funny .I enjoy English because it ‘ s interesting .
I love music because it ‘s relaxing.I love unicorns because it ‘ s very very very cute and colorful.I dont ‘ mind running because  i run with my friends. I hate fish because it smells very bad . I don’t like swimmig because it ‘s boring. I hate spiders because it’ s very ugly 
 I don’t like maths because it’s very difficult .I’m a very good person .I’m little .
I’m can be annoying .I ‘m not wicked 
My name is Maëlys ,I am spiteful and I am amazing , nice and itteligent .I hate spinach.
I don’t mind playing basketball.I adore music.I love Spanish.I’m crazy about football.I enjoy maths.I don’t like french.I love animals because I love to stroke them , because there are beautiful, nice and cute.Then I like walking my dog .My favorite animals is the dog , because they are very very intelligent .I love being a petsitter.I enjoy playing with them .I like taking care of them .
Hello ! I am Lise and I am 13 years old.I am creative and interested  but I am not confident .I like reading books very much , I am crazy about drawing and I enjoy swimming but I don’t mind football , I don’t like coca cola at all , I can’t stand going to the dentist‘s , I don’t like going to the cinema and i love … Animals ! because they are beautiful and the babies are so cute . I am crazy about cherishing animals : dogs , cats , horses, donkeys , rabbits and i love riding horses and I have a lot of animals at home :a cat, a dog , a horse , a donkey , a rabbit , goats , a turtle , fish, cows. My favourite animals is the owl because  it is beautiful and interesting.
 Celina is small , she has medium hair , she has  brown eyes 
 Lise is of medium height , she has  long brown hair , she has brown eyes and she has glasses.  Maëlys is of meduim height , she has a tail , she has curly hair , she hasa brown eyes and she has glasses. 
Yvanna has blond hair , she has brown eyes, she has glasses  and she is wearing a black pullover, she has thin mouth.
Lola has blond hair and blue eyes, she has a grey sweater and she has a thin mouth too.
Hello i am Yvanna ,i am 11 years old . i am crazy  , i am cool , i am friendly . i like football , i love swimming , i am crazy about handball , because i like playing with a team 
i like sport very much , to spend my time moving  , its cool .
I don’t like tennis , i don’t like doing my homework.  
Hello my name is Lola, i am 13 years old, i live in Cercoux. I like playing handball because it’ s funny and I like playing with a team, i spend my time practising this sport, i like playing with a ball and i like scoring. i like playing music very much,i am crazy about Spanish, it’s my favourite subject  i am organised but i am not patient and i am a bit crazy. i enjoy watching Netflix but i hate going to the dentist‘s, and i don’t really like eating meat.
Hello  my name is Lahora. i am 13 years old ,i am funny i have italian and french origins
I like football,chocolate,soda,swimming and dancing because football is good,chocolate and soda are delicious and swimming and dancing are interresting and good for the heart .
I don’t like eating fish,because it’s disgusting. We are the dancers because dancing is our pasion since we are 2 years old. I dance on wednesdays and saturdays. 
Hello my name is Justine, i am 14 years old . I love dancing it’s my passion but i hate Tennis, i don’t like baseball at all. I am crasy about Coca-cola ! I have spanish origins but i am french. I am talkative and i am funny. I like relaxing, i don’t like working. I have 1 brother whose name is Erwan, i have 1 father whose name is Wilfried and i have 1 mother whose name is Aurore. I enjoy football it’s because it’s cool. I don’t like reading. My dance club is “Temps Danse 17”. My birthday is the 5th October.
Lahora has long brown hair and brown eyes.  Justine has long blond hair and green eyes. And they both have glasses!
We are Coraline and Loane our surnames are Coco Et Lolo
Coraline is tall with a ponytail she is beautiful
Loane has a white pullover she is tall and she has hair long
Hello my name is Coraline i am 13 years old .I am nice,intelligent  and creative .I love music .I enjoy going out with my friends and my family .I dont like playing video games 
I dont mind mathematics .
Hello my name is is Loane .I love chocolat but I hate fish . I’m crazy about surfing on the internet.I like mathematics but i don’ like history .I like singing 
I enjoy ENGLISH because it’s funny,we have the best teacher !!!!!!!!!!!! 
I like New York because they speak english and english is interesting.
Hi, my name is Sonia, I’m 13 years old and my birthday is on the 17th of May. I’m french and Ghanian.I’m a very kind person.I’m patient .I hate snakes.And I’m sometimes annoying.I love speaking English every day! because I think that it is the most beautiful language.I love dancing because it’s natural in me, I have been dancing since I was a child.I enjoy swimming with my big sister.But I’m crazy about drawing because it is relaxing, I can express myself even if I don’t do the best drawings.
 Hello my name is Elise . I am 14 old. I love  drawing . i am  a good person . i envoy horse riding because It’s my passion. I like  animals. I love goats . I hate spiders . I love drawing because I spend my weekends at it –  i draw animals because I  enjoy  animals.
 Hello, my name is Maiya. I like the green colour, light blue and purple.  I hate music and spanish. i enjoy the main dish in a meal.   I love to put my clothes in my dishwasher. i’m crazy about reading . I like writing my books very much.And i’m a good climber.
I’m nice sometimes, so crazy, often of course, i’m smart when i want,(rarely stupid but i have a golden heart, not always, but it’s true). I don’t lie.
Elise has blond hair and Maiya has short hair. Who is Sonia ?
Hello my name is Simon I am 13 years old.I love Motor biking because my dad has got 3 motorbikes and my brother has got 1 motor bike.I am a biker i like riding my motorbike with my friends.My friends have got motorbikes too.I dont like football,my friends too dont like football.I like Canada,Canada is so beautiful!I like snowboarding because it’s hard.
 Hello my names is julien i am 13 years old. i love motocross and I like mountain biking. i enjoy mountain biking . i like basketball. i love motocross because my parents do motocross. i do motocross in a club.i dont like foot ball.
Hello my name is Pierrot I am twelve years old Im a good person I like fishing and i’m crazy about motorcross I enjoy swimming I like eating but I dont like getting up at 6:30 I dont like clearing the table I’m  crazy about motocross because its funny my friends practise motorcross too!
Simon has black hair and blue eyes. he is of average height. Julien has brown eyes and a blue polo. Pierrot has black hair and brown eyes and a black jersey branded “ellesse”!
Hello,my name is Noémie ,i am 13 years old .I love watching Netflix .i enjoy playing football
I love vegetables very much .I like drawing .I love my phone .I love TIKTOK .i don’t  like mathematics .I hate technology .i hate running .I am a good person,i am cool,i am sometimes crazy .i discover new dances and music  on tiktok.My friends like tiktok because it is funny .i love to reproduce the choregraphies with my friends.
Hello, my name is Angelina ,i am twelve years old ,i live in cercoux .i have two sisters and 1 little brother .i have a dog .i love my familly and my friends .I am crazy ,generous and positive but i am not organised and i have a strong caracter . At  school i love english ,french ,mathematics and german.i don’t mind mind football. i like tiktok because it is funny , because i like choregraphies , because i like to reproduce the dances with my friends and my sisters because i love music because it is a very good network .
Hello, my name is Clara ! I am nice and crazy, I like TikTok and watching comedies on Netflix. I love TikTok especially for dancing because my friends share videos. TikTok is so cool. I don’t like sports and romantic videos. I like summer and spring because there are flowers. But I also like Halloween and horror movies.
Noémie has brown eyes and brown hair, a little curly. She is wearing a black Tshirt. Angelina is very cool she has brown eyes and black hair. Clara has long blond hair and beautiful glasses.