2nde – lesson 3 (Sports)

LESSON 3 – Axe: Sports & Sociétés


To what extent is sport a fundamental trait of British culture


🏀Quiz de culture générale autour du thème du sport britannique

A Nation of Bookmakers

Doc 1 (audio)
  • Use the interactive app below
  • 📝copy every answer in your copybook


As English as Fish & Chips!

Doc 2 (text)

▶️Read the text and answer the questions:

💬DIAPO 1/2– parler (en équipe) à partir d’images / mots.

  1. sports
  2. passion
  3. bet
  4. football / soccer
  5. my favourite sportsman


Why do we love football?

Doc 3 (text)

We love cricket!

Doc 4 (video)
  • How much do you know about cricket? Complete the worksheet.
    • Complete the worksheet 📄
    • do the dictations and (trick) words activity
    • 🌐 use the interactive app below (slides 2, 3 4)
  • SLIDE 5 – Watch the video several times.
    • 🔎Focus on figures
    • Complete the worksheet 📄
    • 🌐 use the interactive app below (slide 6)

▶️(Re)Watch the video several times and answer the questions below:

  1. What is Cricket? When was it invented? What are the rules of this game?
  2. What is/was the role and position of England as far as cricket is concerned?
  3. What are “The Ashes”?
    A- Explain the origins of this word and its impact on the world of cricket.
    B- What about today? What about the future?
  • 🌐 use the interactive app below:
    • 🟢 choose the “normal” path = the original video (without interactive questions)
    • 🔵choose the “easy path” for a guided comprehension of the document


Create a webpage dedicated to a sport.

  • Choose one SPORT from the list: curling – bungee jumping – netball – hurling – bobsleigh – ice hockey – baseball
  • 🌐Look for information on this sport: origins – dates – rules – teams/players/countries – sporting events – popularity
  • Create an interesting and attractive WEBSITE page on this sport

MODEL (here)

Queen Elizabeth’s Christmas message (2010)

Doc 5 (audio)
  • 🌐 use the interactive app below:
    • 🟢 choose the “normal” path = the original video (without interactive questions)
    • 🔵choose the “easy path” for a guided comprehension of the document
      • Concentrez-vous sur le symbole 🎧qui vous indique le moment où la réponse est donnée.
  • 📝Copy the answers in your notebook

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